cHaPtEr 7

973 8 45

POV: Qibli 

The long narrow halls felt tighter and darker today; he missed the desert. Big open plains of sand and warmth, filling him with sunlight and joy. But what he missed most of all was Thorn. He missed being by her side, protecting her from threats, and just being with her. He frowned slightly, the memories bringing sadness. Who would be protecting her while he was at JMA? 

"Pssssst. Qibli. Helloooo. QIBLI!" His train of thoughts was interrupted by a voice, light and calm but urgent. He turned to the dorm cave the voice had come from, and felt panic rise in him as he stopped in front of Moon's cave.

"Qibli, get in here... I need to talk." He sat down in front of her, running a claw along the ground behind him. 

"I-" He started.

"Qibli, look I know things have been awkward lately, but I had a vision; a prophecy, and with Kinkajou in the rainforest, I didn't know who else to go two. Trust me, I'm feeling as awkward about this as you are right now, but I need your help." She paused and looked down at her claws. 

"Please." Qibli sighed and thought Three moons. If you can handle living with the Outclaws, Qibli, I think you should be able to spend 10 minutes with your ex girlfriend. Pull it together. Come on.

"Ok, tell me the prophecy or vision or whatever and I can give you some insight into the future." He cracked a cheesy smile, and Moon wrinkled her snout at his bad joke. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Find the one that you can't miss,

The one that holds the key to bliss.

The truth and the lies rolled into one, 

Pulling dragons from the ones they love.

Though an unexpected romance shall bud,

The consequences will still flood.

A killer waiting right beneath,

A traitor not afraid to show her teeth."

Moon opened her eyes, a grim expression making its way along her face. Qibli thought - hoped - he knew what the unexpected romance was, but he wasn't about to bring up his love life with his ex.

"I have a scroll we can work stuff out in. Come over here, so that no one can see what we're doing." Moon opened up a blank scroll, her back facing the cave entrance. Qibli moved to sit next to her, sitting the same way she did. 

"Hmm. The unexpected romance sounds strange. None of my visions or prophecies have ever mentioned anything about love or romance, so that's strange." She wrote something down in the scroll, but Qibli didn't manage to read it.

"Hey, on the upside, at least it's not like 'DOOM DOOM THE MOUNTAIN IS GOING TO FALL WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE DOOM DOOM DEATH AHH' so that's a nice change." Qibli felt a blush creep along his snout at the thought of Winter, and he panicked, hoping Moon didn't notice. You can't hide much from a prophet and a telepath, though. Luckily I have my skyfire on. Moon just smiled. 

"That's true." They worked for a while, trying to decipher the prophecy. 

"Find the one that you can't miss, the one that holds the key bliss. Hmm. Who do you think that could be?" Qibli tapped his middle claw on his horn, his brain going haywire. 

"Do you think it could be Peril? She's pretty hard to miss." Moon suggested, then immediately shot down her idea.

"No, she was in the last prophecy. Hm."

Qibli zoned out, his eyes going glassy and a small smile playing along his snout. 

 I know exactly who I can't miss.

Ok I have a super good idea for this fanfiction, I just have                 ✨N o  m o t i v a t i o n ™️✨

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