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~ 7:00; Daegu ~

"You are late," Hyunjae jogs towards me with an innocent smile. "By 20 minutes."

"I am sorry, majesty," He dramatically bows, making me chuckle at his behavior. "How are you?" He hugs me before taking my luggage to his car. I help him with stuffing the luggage.

"Fine. What about you? And others?"

"Great as always. Also, how are your friends? And boyfriend?" I look outside the window while nodding because I don't know how to answer him. They must be great now. "What happened?"

"Nothing. I just... Zoned out for a sec," My eyes steal a glance at his figure, feeling nervous.

"You know that we have known each other for 12 years, and I can figure you out easily," He quickly glances back at me. I keep silent to not extend this conversation. "Are you gonna tell me?"

"We broke up," I finally reveal it. This sentence hurts more than anything. I look out again to not cry about this again. Hyunjae stays silent, making me uneasy. "Say something."

"Not until you tell me everything," I sigh before I recite the tale of the broken love story. I spilled every single thing I wanted to share with someone. Jessie and Joe only know that I broke up with Jungkook for some reason. I just couldn't trust anyone after what happened.

Hyunjae is the only person I trust blindly. "Now, I don't know what I am supposed to do. It hurts so much to even think about it," I wipe my tears, folding up into a ball on the seat. "Why did he hurt me so much?"

"Do you still love him?" I shake my head, denying the truth.

"I don't. Not after that," Hyunjae stops the car a block away from my house.

"Ray, look at me," I turn to him. He wipes my tears before starting again. "You know I can't see you like this. Also, I don't think Jungkook is like that. I know I have met him once, but I can still tell you that he wasn't faking it."

"You don't understand it, Hyunjae," I sit up straight before bursting. "I saw the videos. He placed a price tag on me and kissed a strange girl."

"He was drunk."

"That doesn't give me the liberty to kiss someone else while he has a freaking girlfriend. I would always call him while he was in Busan, but he would ignore it. I thought he would be busy, but he was fucking hooking up," I roll my eyes at him. "Let's forget about it."

"Why aren't you giving him a chance to explain?" I frown at him. I haven't told him anything about Jungkook begging for a chance or Jungkook being totally wasted before kissing the girl. "Just listen to him once."

"He has called you, hasn't he?" Hyunjae stays silent. "Tell me."

"Yes, he did. A couple of times, like thrice every week for three months," I laugh in disbelief. Jungkook is really getting on my nerves. He first destroyed me and now stealing my best friend. "Ray, why aren't you giving him a chance to explain? Maybe there is another side to this story?"

"Hyunjae, cut it off. Jungkook and I are over. There is nothing left, so just let it be," Hyunjae sighs and starts the car again. We reach my house's driveway in a minute.

"You are scared, aren't you?" I turned to Hyunjae as I was opening the door. "You are scared to know the reality. I know it," My grip on the car handle tightens. "Trust me, I know everything that you're supposed to know, but I am not the right person to tell you about this. Jungkook is innocent. That's all I can say," He gets out of the car, leaving me in deep thinking about what he said.

Am I scared?

Why? I also don't know. "Ray," I jolt on the seat as I hear my mother's voice. "You are here," I smile when I see her approaching me. I get out of the car and hug her tightly. "I missed you so much. Now that I have seen you, I feel so relieved."

I feel my tears streaming down again. I missed and needed this embrace for so long. "I missed you too."

"Oh, why are you crying?"

"She is being emotional. After such a long time, she is seeing you again," Hyunjae covers it up for me, making my mother caress my hair. "Let's get in now," All of us walk into the house.

"Your father must be back in a few minutes. You gave us the news of coming back so suddenly that he didn't get the time to buy something for you," I chuckle as I sit on the couch. Hyunjae sits next to me. "Did you eat your breakfast?"

"No, it was very early," My mother takes out two plates from the kitchen.

"Yes," Hyunjae gets excited as he sees the plate. "I was waiting for this only."

"I prepared this, just in case," I chuckle at my mother's statement.

~ 8:30; Home ~

"I think I'll be leaving," Hyunjae gets up after seeing the time. I also get up with him, walking to the door to see him off. "Ray," He looks behind me before starting. "You know I love you, and I would never think bad for you, right?"

"Why are you saying this?"

"To make you believe... Him," I roll my eyes at him. Sighing at my reaction, Hyunjae nods. "Fine, it's your choice anyway. Just don't regret it. Bye," I hug him before he leaves.

Believe him?

Never! Not even in a million years. "Ray," I turn to my father, who is holding a glass of juice. "What are you doing there? Come here," I walk to them while smiling even if I feel empty and numb inside. "Do you wanna go somewhere today? Or movie night? Just say anything. It's Ray day today."

/ Flashback /

"What to do today?" Others shrug when Bae asks them. "Oh c'mon!"

"I'll do anything Ray wants," I turn to Jungkook, who smiles widely at me. "Anything," Others cringe at his demand.

"Can you like stop?" Namjoon rolls his eyes at Jungkook.

"No," He laughs before a pillow lands on his head by Yoongi. "Why? Oh please, when you all get partners like her, you'll never stop the PDA."

"You are so cheesy," I whisper to him, making him look at me with wide eyes. "Guys, attack!" I start to tickle Jungkook before others join me.

"Stop, guys," Jungkook laughs on top of his lungs, falling on the ground from the couch. "Ray, stop."

Jungkook pulls me on his chest. Others move away, looking at the scene they cooed at us. "Yah, leave me. Everyone is staring."

"I don't give two fucks about it," I hide my face in his chest. "Guys, privacy, please."

"Yeah, you need privacy in a fucking living room," Jin sarcastically states. Jungkook nods, making them sigh. "10 minutes given."

I look up to see everyone leaving. "Now, you said attack?"

"Yes," Jungkook smirks before kissing me. He sits up with me on his lap. I tickle him in the middle of our kiss, making him go back. "I said attack."

"Oh, attack?" Before he could do anything, I ran away from him. "It's my turn to attack."

"Catch me first," Jungkook comes behind me, but I go under the big dining table. "C'mon."

"Not fair! You're so small!"

/ Present /

I chuckle, remembering the days. "What are you thinking?"

"Nothing, I just zoned out for a second," They nod and wait for my response. "Let's... Watch a movie?"


"Let's go shopping... Oh! Dad, can I come with you to the shop? Please, I wanna go back there! It's been years."

"As you wish," I jump around them happily. I can finally divert my mind from all of these flashbacks.


~ˣₒˣₒ Pals~ ♡

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