(12) 🔞

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🔞Mature content🔞

~ 01:00; Jungkook's car ~

Jungkook drives in silence after dropping Taehyung and Taehee. I feel less tensed and nervous around him now. Without even realizing I have already forgiven him. I don't even wanna know what he did and why he did it. He shows me so much love that I sometimes forget he was the sole reason I cried for months and that we aren't together.

My thoughts stop when the car halts. "We are here," He turns off the engine.

"Thank you."

I grab the handle to open the car, but Jungkook holds my other wrist, making me look at him. I turn to him to feel his lips on my forehead. "I hope you will not think about him and sleep peacefully," I look into his eyes and nod. "Also... I am going to leave in two days," I nod again as he finishes it. It somehow hurt me to hear the news. "And I also have one last thing to say. I tried to move on as you told me, but I couldn't. Without you spending a single day was hell. I couldn't feel myself being me anymore. I just couldn't handle the void in me, which only you can fill. I am just asking for you to believe me once more time. And I promise you, whatever happened, I will never repeat it, and I will never cheat on you or betray you or anything," My heart swells as he keeps on talking. The sincerity in his voice, that desperation and regret are so genuine for me to ignore. "I am lost without you."

I look down at our knitted hands. They fit each other perfectly. "Jungkook..." I start but stop after saying his name. I still can't pour out my emotions for him.

"Don't say anything if you aren't sure."

My lips curve into a smile just by looking at him. "Also, why did you hit Siwoo? You could've gotten into trouble and all because of me. What if the security took you with them? What if you ended up in the police station? I know it was triggering, but-" Jungkook presses his lips over mine to shut me up. My heart skips a beat as I feel his soft lips on mine. I close my eyes, feeling his smile. His free hand cups my cheek to deepen the kiss for him to fill the void. I feel my heart filling up with all the longing feeling.

No tongues involved, no sexual tension, no touching, just love. I sense the butterflies erupting in my body, making me feel ticklish inside. Jungkook stops to back up slowly. "I hate to see you suffering. I hate it when someone says bad about you or even thinks bad about you. I hate it when your precious smile drops. I hate it when your cheerful environment darkens. I hate everything which makes you sad. I hate me for making you sad. I hate me for making you cry. I hate me for destroying you. I hate me for losing you," Jungkook changes the topic so smoothly that I forget what we were talking about. My smile suddenly breaks out, making me look down.

"I think I should go," I shyly whisper, making him smile widely. I open the car and get out with him. "Bye," He waves at me as I walk to the main door. My heart is saying to go back to him, but my brain tells me to sleep.

Listen to your heart once.

I turn around to see Jungkook leaning over his car while watching me. My slight smile widens a little, and I make my way to him again. Jungkook watches me walk all the way to him with the same smile. "Uhm... Well, I hate to keep debts, so I think we should be equal now," Jungkook gets confused by my words. I pull his jacket down and kiss him willingly. I know it can be dangerous because my parents are inside and I am in my neighborhood, but it is already 1 after midnight. Jungkook freezes in his spot. I move back quickly and look at him with pressed lips. "We are even now," I chuckle before walking hastily inside the house.

The room is dark, but the light in their room is on. I look in the room to see my parents sleeping uncomfortably. "Mom, I told you to not wait for me," She looks at me as she hears my voice.

"You are home," I nod, making her go down and sleep peacefully. "Honey, she is home," My father tiringly looks at me and smiles.

"Goodnight," I kiss both of their cheeks and walk out of the room after switching off the lights. The smile I have from the earlier event is not leaving my lips. Jungkook looked so... confusingly happy. I giggle and take off my heels in my room. Suddenly there is a knock on my window. My smile widens as I know who it will be. I quickly opened the locked window. Jungkook kisses me as soon as he sees me. Entering the room while kissing me. I stumble back because of the sudden attack.

Jungkook wraps his left hand on my waist and right-hand cups on my cheek to deepen the kiss. He tilts my head in the other direction and kisses me again like he was waiting for it for so long. I hold his jacket, pulling him as close as possible.

We finally move back to see the shine in each other's eyes. Jungkook quickly closes the window and turns back to me. He chuckles and kisses my forehead before attaching our forehead. "I missed you so much."

I push him to my arm's length. "We were talking outside a few minutes ago."

Jungkook shakes his head before pulling me closer. "I missed my Ray so much," I bite my lip to control my smile. Jungkook kisses me again and removes his jacket. Jungkook sits on the edge of my bed with me on his lap, facing him. "I missed this smile so much," I feel his hands moving the zip down. He kisses my neck, making me close my eyes because of his blissful touches.

"I love your scent," He whispers, and he removes the upper part of the dress. Jungkook kisses my shoulders softly. The love in his touches makes me shudder. I had been craving for his tender touches for so long.

Jungkook moves along my hair and grabs my face from the left side. His lips get in contact with mine, inserting his tongue. I hold his shoulders to balance myself while he unclips my bra.

"I love your skin," He whispers again and touches my arm softly. My breathing gets heavy because of his heavenly touches.

Jungkook stands up with me, letting the dress go down, and he takes off his t-shirt as well. He turns me around, pulling me close to his bare chest. I close my eyes and arch my body when he kisses my shoulders and slides his hand in my panties. He plays with my clitoris.

I moan a little because of his touches over my bare torso. "I love your voice," A gasp leaves my mouth when his fingers go in.

"Jeon," He moans as well when I call him by his last name.

"I love it when you call me that," He discards my panties before turning me around again. I kiss him while he removes his jeans and boxers. " I love your lips," His fingers run across my lips. He lays me down and goes in. I breathe heavily again, but he moves very soothingly and lovingly. "I love you eyes, your nose, you cheeks, you hair, your everything," He pulls me up on his lap, making me slowly ride him. He attaches our forehead. "I love you and all of your perfections and flaws."

I wrap my hands around his neck and place my head on the crook of his neck. "I love you more," My smile breaks out as wide as possible. Jungkook moves me back to look at my face.

"Are you serious? Please don't joke. I might cry now," I giggle and shake my head. Jungkook kisses me out of excitement and moves back after a few seconds. "I love you more. More than anyone could," I laugh at him cheerfully. "Do you forgive me?" I quickly nod, making Jungkook chuckle in excitement.

"I forgive you, Jeon." 


I love this chapter a lot! It somehow makes me happy!

~ˣₒˣₒ Pals~ ♡

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