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~ 19:00; Home ~

"Mom, just one question," She doesn't listen to me and searches for a dress in my wardrobe. "Why?" Jungkook is getting on my nerves now. He somehow convinced my father for a proper dinner, and here is my mother destroying my wardrobe for it.

She keeps throwing stuff out like a frustrated teenage girl who can't find something to wear. "Your taste is awful."

"Mom, that hurts," My mother comes out and stops throwing my clothes here and there. She pulls out a black satin slip dress with spaghetti shoulder straps, like a club one. "I ain't wearing that. Also, since when I have that?"

"Are you kidding me? I gifted you this, and you put it deep in your wardrobe?" I stop speaking as I remember it clearly. She is disappointed but not surprised. My mother knows that I would wear such things very rarely. "Go in, change."

"I don't understand why I have to wear this?"

"See, young lady. You have to look presentable every time. Also, your dad told me to wear formal and nice clothes," She leaves the room right after saying that. I glanced at the dress.

It is neither formal nor friendly.

I roll my eyes at my mother's taste or maybe mine. "Whatever," I walk to my dressing table to do my makeup before wearing the dress. I don't want to ruin the dress. "What to do? I don't feel like doing any makeup, and I can't go out without makeup. Why am I even a girl?"

I whine before taking foundation. I furiously did my makeup because I wanted to watch a movie and not go for dinner with my ex. I take out red lipstick, dabbing it very lightly for red lips. After doing my makeup, I put on the dress. "I gotta admit... I am sexy," Suddenly, the wave of confidence hits me.

I check myself out in the mirror while fangirling over myself. "Okay, I will be late," I open my drawer to take out earrings and a bracelet. After wearing accessories, I check myself out one more time. "I still look sexy."

After wearing my heels, I walk down to see my mother fixing my father's tie. They turn to me because of the heels' voice. "Someone's looking good," My dad compliments.

"I am pretty sure you are talking about me because you two look absolutely gorgeous," They laugh with me. All of us walk out of the house as my mother locks the door. My father takes my hand as we walk to the car. My mother companies us from behind. They both occupy the front seats as I sit in the back.

~ 21:00; Restaurant ~

"Good evening, Mr. Jeong," Jungkook gets up from his seat as he sees my father, greeting him nicely. "Hello, Mrs. Jeong, you look beautiful," My mother smiles at the younger's compliment. "Hello, Ray," Jungkook's body stiffens, and he eyes me from top to bottom, controlling him. "You look wonderful."

"Thank you. You look great too," I look at Jungkook's amused face. Maybe the dress is too hard for Jungkook. My father helps my mother as Jungkook helps me sit before sitting next to us.

"Shall we order?" Jungkook asks before calling the waiter. "Menus, please," The waiter places two menus on the table. My father gives the menu to my mother as Jungkook passes another one to me.

"No, you order," I push away the menu to him.

"No, it's okay," I look at my father. He nods before I take the menu. The dishes are so expensive here. My father and Jungkook talk about their matters while deciding what to eat.

My mother looks around. "Should we?"

"Yes, please," Jungkook calls the waiter again.

"I still don't know what to order," I confess before the waiter arrives.

"It is okay. I got this," My mother orders for all of us. I tap my fingers on the table while others talk. "So, Jungkook, what are you studying?"

"Business. I thought about Liberal Art, but I went for Business only," I nod, pretending to know nothing. Of course, I know about it.

"Anything other than academic?"

"Yeah, I play football," I nod again, pretending to know nothing.

"Ray, have you joined any clubs?" I shake my head at dad. "Why?"

"Well, I like to spend my time in Library, and you know movie and me are always together," Jungkook chuckles because he knows this. I would either go to the library without him or stay in his room to watch a movie with him. "Also, the clubs are boring."

"No," Jungkook refutes. "You could have joined the book club. You and Namjoon could've," I scoff politely at him.

"No, thanks. People in the book club are weird. You also know sorority was behind me because you-" I shut my mouth as I was almost about to reveal everything. Jungkook points at himself with a hidden smirk. "Because they thought I was friends with you guys."

"So what's the problem? Sororities are nice," My mother says.

"Well, the girls now in the sorority aren't good. They were forcing her," My mother nods while Jungkook explains the problem. "She rejected them at the first try only."

"Ray, you should've told me about that," My father turns to me with a worried expression.

"It is fine, dad. He helped me out," I point at Jungkook. I mean, he did help me, so why should I lie about it. "And dad chill. I can manage," My father passes a soft smile at me.

"Thanks, Jungkook."

~ 22:30; Restaurant ~

"You two continue. We will be back after a short walk," My parents walk out to the beautiful garden. I quietly eat my dinner, trying to finish it. Suddenly I feel something over my shoulders.

"Why the hell are you wearing this?" Jungkook speaks after covering me with his blazer. I look up to meet his dark eyes, the real Jungkook's eyes. I frown at him because of his sudden concern. I try to remove his blazer, but he covers me back. "Don't."

"Can you stop?" I roll my eyes. "Remove this. I am not comfortable."

"No," Jungkook leans closer. "If you are playing, then stop. I don't want to take you down here in front of everyone, especially your parents," I blush because of his seductive and deep voice. The way he is looking at me and speaking those words is giving me goosebumps. "You are turning me on. Don't blame me if something happens right now."

I move back and remove his blazer quickly. "Shut up, and stay away."

"Are you done eating?" I simply nod. Jungkook calls the waiter to pay for the dinner. Before standing up, he takes my hand. "Let's go then."


"Out," Jungkook pulls me out to my parents. My parents turn to Jungkook and me. "I will be leaving now, Mr. Jeong." Jungkook lets go of my hand and bows politely. "I enjoyed the dinner."

"We did it as well," My father smiles warmly at Jungkook, whereas my mother nudges me with a teasing smile. I nudge her back with a frown.

~ 23:00; Home ~

"Off to bed," I take off my heels and stretch. "Good night, my loves," I kiss my parent's cheek before walking to my room. I remove that thin fabric and take my towel before heading into my bathroom. Before heading into the shower, I remove my makeup.

Suddenly, I hear a knock on the door. "Mom?" No response comes, so I peek out to see darkness in my room. "Dad?" The door gets pushed inside before someone walks in.

"Jungkook? What the hell?" I push away. My heart is beating fast because if my parents come, then I am done for life. Jungkook holds my wrist to hold me still. He pushes himself to me as he pins me to the wall. I look at him with a horrified expression.

"Shh, I don't think you would love your parents to see me here with you like this, right?"


~ˣₒˣₒ Pals~ ♡

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