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~ 22:30; Home ~

"Welcome, Jungkook," My father greets Jungkook with a cheerful smile, making him smile widely as well. I set the table as they reach the dining area. "Honey?"

"Yes," My mother walks to the table with a tray for juice and sits next to my father. I pick up the last tray and walk to the dining table. I sit next to Jungkook as it is a small 4 member dining table. "How are you, Jungkook? It has been long, right?"

"Yes, Mrs. Jeong. Well, I am doing great. How about you?"

"Oh, I am always fine," I eat in silence while looking at my father. "I hope you are getting along with others here."

"Uhm, yes. Actually, Ray's friends are really nice to show me around. Also, Taehyung, even if he lived here for long," My parents chuckle at Jungkook.

Should I tell my mother now?

"Uhm, mom... and dad," I keep my utensils down and look at Jungkook. "I think I will take this dinner as an opportunity to tell you this," I take a deep breath because I am nervous. I don't want my father to mess up. We agree to the plan, him acting stunned when I tell the news. But sometimes... His acting can really suck. "We both are dating."

"What?" My father acts surprised. I look at him with a pitying look. "What are you saying?" My father peeks at my mother to see her not reacting like she knows everything. "Aren't you gonna say something?"

"Well, I know."

"What? Now, how you know?" I ask her as we three are surprised instead of her. "Why does everyone knows before I tell them?"

"Well, it is because you two can't make it less obvious," Jungkook and I look at each other. We hid our relationship from his friends and a whole university with over 1000 people for a week. "Ray, honey, you need to hide all of his gifts properly. Special a pendant with your pictures. Anyone, even a blind person, can make it," Jungkook chuckles because he thinks it is because of me. I mean, okay, but he shouldn't gift me things that scream we have something. Jungkook drinks the juice as a victory. "Also, Jungkook the next time you sneak in at night. Make sure I am not in the kitchen," Jungkook chokes on the juice while I chuckle at him. It is 50-50 fault.

"Sneak what? Sneak in?" My father looks at Jungkook with a fierce expression. "What did you do in my household?"

"I can explain," Jungkook surrenders very quickly. "She blocked me, and I couldn't talk to her alone anytime in the daytime. So I had to it, or else this would have taken my whole life."

"Also, Jungkook, you are so sweet," My mother continues. "You know everything? Her favorite flowers, snacks, sweets. You also know what type of pad she uses. What a nice boyfriend you are," My mother praises him at peak. "If you are still gonna ask me how then remember I live in the same house. Her room isn't far to reach."

"Okay, sherlock homes," My father sarcastically says. He may know everything, but my mother knows it from the beginning. "You didn't tell me for all this time?"

"Well, I was waiting for her to confess," My mother laughs while eating. I suddenly lost my appetite. "Also, she has her "our" with Jungkook. Not us," My father's expressions are priceless. "Five days, huh?"

"I need to get something," I stutter and leave the dining area. I walk into the kitchen, leaving Jungkook there.

"I... will help her," Jungkook walks away from there. "What is your mother? The god?" I shrug while looking out to see my father explaining everything to my mother. "Well, I think it will be easy now."

"What? Me coming with you?" I chuckle.

Jungkook suddenly traps me against the kitchen counter. "Also, our marriage."

I blush at his proposal. "Jungkook, my parents are out. Just two steps out."

"Well, they know that we love each other. So what's the problem. Now you can't give me the dad's bad list excuse. Also, your mother is head over heels for this relationship," I push him a little to walk outside, but he pulls me back, hugging me from behind. "Now, I don't have to climb that tree. But I will miss that tree because damn, that was a good time experience," I chuckle at his nostalgic feeling. I turn to him and hold his cheeks. "But I may sneak in again."

"Oh yeah?" I challenge him, which he gladly accepts. "Fine, I will keep the window open," He rubs our nose together, making me giggle at his action. "Let's go out before food gets cold."

We walk out to see my mother adoring us while my father looks at us skeptically. "What were you doing?" My mother hits his chest, letting us sit.

"It's none of your business," I take back the utensils and continue to eat. "By the way, how long has it been since two are together?"

"It is gonna be a year in a few months," My mother's smile widens. "Also, I would like to take Ray to Busan," He, at last, asked my parents.

"Why?" My father inquires

"Sure," My mother agrees cheerfully.

"To meet my parents," Jungkook answers my father. My mother nudges him and looks at Jungkook with a sweet smile. I swear she has been seeing a son-in-law in him since the start.

"Just take her. We don't mind," I look at Jungkook, who is smiling brightly at my mother. My father sighs and agrees with my mother as he can't cut her words.

~ 00:00; Room ~

"I still can't believe your mother allowed me to stay with you," Jungkook lays on my bed while I comb my hair. "Your mother is just like mine."

"Well, mom was the one who made me believe in one thing," I keep my comb on the dress and walk to Jungkook. He opens his arms as I lay on his chest. "Love happens only one time, and if two people love each other, then no matter how much anyone tries to break them apart, they won't be able to."

"Totally us," I chuckle and cover us with the blanket. "By the way, are you ready to meet my parents? I wasn't ready to meet yours, but I couldn't give up. You can, though. If you aren't ready, then maybe next time in the future, you can meet them."

"Well, I am nervous. I don't know what your parents will think about me when they will see me."

"oh, about that," Jungkook takes out his phone. "My mother is loving the fact that you are coming more than me," He flashes his phone showing me his mother's excited reaction. "Before you, I only had my mom to share everything. That day, when we started to date, I know I shouldn't have told anyone, but I couldn't keep it from her," He shows me the rest of the chats about me. "That's mine, hoodie as well," I hit his chest for being cheesy because of a picture of me in his hoodie, sleeping on his bed. "She blew my phone after that picture. She thinks you are cute. Well, I tell you that almost every second."

"I guess our mothers are supportive as hell. What about your father?" Jungkook shrugs and shakes his head. I nod, knowing his father is very busy, and Jungkook doesn't talk about him much as well. "I guess your mother already told him out of excitement."

"Well, you will know when we get there," Jungkook keep his phone away and stared at me. "I hope you don't mind traveling. Like first Seoul, then Busan."

"of course not," Jungkook kisses my forehead. He wants me to go back with him as everybody wants to apologize for what they did, and he also wants to show them that we are 'forever' ones. I know if it is very cringy, but how many boyfriends show off their girlfriends like him?

"I love you," Jungkook smiles as he finally gets to say peacefully and alone after everything. "Please never leave me alone," I plaster myself on Jungkook, hanging my petite body on his massive frame. Jungkook wraps his one arm around me and hums my favorite song.

"I love you more. And I will never leave you ever again."


~ˣₒˣₒ Pals~ ♡

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