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~ 19:00; Home ~

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am back," My mother walks towards me to take the food I got for them. I remove my shoes before running in. "Bruno~"

My dog comes running to me when I enter the living room. Bruno barks happily and circles me. "Today is Ray's duty to take him for a walk."

"What?" I turn to my dad. "But I just came back," I sigh with a pout. Bruno barks again, taking my attention. He has his leash in his mouth. "Since you are so cute, I will go," Connecting the leash to his collar, we walk out for a short walk. Everyone in this neighborhood loves Bruno as he is so tiny, fluffy, and cute.

Bruno goes around sniffing things. I have to pull him out of it. "We met again," My feet freeze at the voice. Please don't be him. I turn around to see Jungkook in his casuals. Hands tucked in his jacket. Thank you so much, god. I roll my eyes at the thought. "Is that Bruno?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, walking." I sigh before walking away with Bruno. "Hey, wait," Jungkook jogs to me. Without paying attention, I turn to him just to see him close to my face. Our breathing stops for a moment before I step back.

"What do you want?"

"Your time," I roll my eyes before turning my back on him and leaving with Bruno. "No problem. I will try more."

"If you love to waste your time, then okay," Bruno starts to bark ahead of us. I look in his direction to see a bunch of guys. Bruno gets very violent and protective when he sees groups. "Hey, shush," I pick up Bruno to quiet him down. "Shush."

I walk towards the group with Bruno in my hand. To be honest, I am a little conscious as well. I never get green signals whenever I see groups. Jungkook places his hand around my waist, taking my attention. "You look nervous, that's why," My stomach squeezes because of his presence and touches. "Shall we go back?"


"Yes, please," I place Bruno down as we walk to our house. "Thanks," I whisper. "But please leave me now, Jungkook. I hate when my heart takes control over me," I bow before walking in. "I am back," Bruno runs to his bowl of water, and I walk towards my room. "I might skip the dinner," I announce on my way.

My whole mind is occupied with Jungkook. Locking my door, I sit on the bed. Why can't I just let him explain everything to me once? What am I so scared of? All the answers land on a single reason.

I don't want to be heartbroken again.

Knowing what Jungkook and others did break me so much that even speaking was tiring for me. Only Jessie knows how much I have cried in the room after midnight. She has sacrificed her sleep to wipe my tears. I appreciate her the most. My heart just can't let me take any decision on my own.

I pick up the phone and call Jessie. For some reason, my trust in Hyunjae is fading away.

"Hey, Ray. How are you?"

"I am okay. I just suddenly remember you."

"What happened? You don't sound okay."

"It is Jungkook. He is here. In Daegu."

"What? Woah, okay. So are you actually okay? Have you cried?"

"Not yet. I just don't know what to do. I want to give him a chance to explain, but at the same time, I am so scared to know why he did so."

"Ray, relax. I don't know what happened between you two so I can't tell you what to do. I can say stay away from him because you have cried so much and eaten so little, so you need to move on and focus on yourself. I can also say go to him because he treasured you a lot when you two were together."

"Jessie, I want to lock myself now."

"Don't be stupid."

"Hyunjae is telling me to listen to him."

"Well, you trust me a lot. So, talk to Jungkook."

"Uhm... Sure?"

"I am not. Ray, to be very honest, I don't know about you and Jungkook, so I can't tell you anything. But if your best friend is saying go ahead, then I can say that as well."


"Ray... Please don't be mad... But I think you should think from your heart once. Don't let your brain come in between."

After humming, I hung up. I lay back to think, but suddenly a knock makes me sit back. "Coming," I open the door to see no one on the door. "Huh?" I look around but hear the knock again. Immediately I get the idea. I open the window to see Jungkook. He jumps in and sighs. "What now. Can you not come to my room when both of my parents are downstairs."

"I can not," Jungkook chuckles as he lays on my bed. I am flaring in anger. He knows how to get on my nerves. "You have such a nice bed. Soft like you."

"Thanks, now get the fuck out," Jungkook pulls me on his lap before he sits up and faces me. "Jeon."

"Yes, baby girl," His voice lowers than before. Jungkook pulls me closer. "Looks soft as always."


"Your lips," Jungkook kisses me suddenly, attacking my guards, making them fall so hard that I get under his control. Jungkook runs his tongue across my lips before pushing it in. I moan softly in his kiss, making him smirk. Jungkook turns us around while kissing me passionately. My arms are around his neck while he is supporting his heavy figure. Jungkook slowly moves down from my lips, making my breathing heavy.

Suddenly another knocks echoes in the room. My senses come back into me because I push Jungkook before standing up. "Ray?"

"Dad," I whisper and push Jungkook into my closet. "Don't you dare come out," I open the door after seeing myself in the mirror. "Yes, dad?"

"Here. You said no dinner, so your mother made this for you," I smile before taking hot chocolate. He leaves with a smile, and I close the door.

Sighing in relief, I keep the mug on the table and open the closet. "Get the fuck out. Right now."

"Ray, I am sorry I took it far."

"Happy realization. Now out," I sarcastically roll my eyes at Jungkook.

"But you did enjoy it," I blush at his shameless attempt. "You are just not accepting it. No problem," He opens the door before looking back. "Tomorrow, dinner at 9?"


"Dinner at 9. Us and your parents," Jungkook jumps down while I look down. Jungkook blows a kiss before running away. I roll my eyes at him as I walk inside. But suddenly, a smile appears on my face.

"Quit it, Ray. You are so deceitful."


~ˣₒˣₒ Pals~ ♡

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