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~20:00; Jungkook's house~

I turn to the door to see Mr. Jeon with Junghyun and Jungkook entering the house. For some reason, Jungkook had to stay till now as well. Mrs. Jeon walks to her husband while Junghyun walks to his room immediately. Jungkook walks to me into the kitchen. "How was your day?"

"Just one word. Exhausting," I smile with a soft chuckle. I loosen Jungkook's tie and open his collar button to let him breathe in relief. "Just imagine this happening every day, but you being my wife," I blush while smiling widely at him and his imagination.

"Going too far in future. Mr. Jeon Jungkook," Jungkook chuckles while leaning in. He kisses me shortly and smiles while backing up. "Aren't you hungry?"

"A little bit for the food," I roll my eyes at his corny jokes. I punch his chest, making him laugh a little. Jungkook kisses me again, leaving me off guard. "Appetizer," I playfully glared at him. Suddenly someone clears his throat, making me push Jungkook away. Junghyun sits at the dining table while the Jeon couple walks to the table. I kick Jungkook inside the room before making my way to the table.

Maybe we should listen to Jimin by now.

~22:00; Balcony~

I look at the starry sky. Mr. Jeon is such a stubborn case. "What are you doing here? It is cold outside."

"My whole life is cold," I mutter while thinking about yesterday. I literally said everything to Mr. Jeon, but it all went in vain. "Jungkook, what do you the most from your father?"

"Why are you asking this? All of a sudden?"

"No reason. When I think about this, I don't have any answer because you know dad. He pampers me a lot that I don't want anything from him," Jungkook sits next to me. He takes my hand and interwinds our fingers. "What do you want?"

"You. I want my dad to allow me to have you," Jungkook turns to me while looking at me with his blank eyes. "If you asked me this question when I was 15 or so, then I would have had a list of things, but now I just want you."

"Is that your wish?" He nods, making me lay my head on his shoulder. Jungkook caresses the back of my hand.

It is his wish.

~5:00; Kitchen~

I walk into the kitchen to drink some water. I purposely woke up early because Mr. Jeon usually wakes up by this time for his morning shares news. I wait for him while drinking water. Suddenly he comes out of his room with his tablet. "Good morning, Mr. Jeon."

"You are up?" He looks at me weirdly. "For water?"

"Actually, no," I walk to him and sit on the couch at a very safe distance. I don't want him to slap me there and then. "I just wanted to hear your thoughts."

"My thoughts? About what?"

"Your family. We had a conversation about it, but only I spoke. So, I wanna hear from you too."

Mr. Jeon nods while looking at the tablet. "I think you are somewhat wrong," My smile fades as I hear him. "Jungkook's mother doesn't live with me because she loves me. She is just here to survive. Junghyun is a very polite and obedient kid, so he listens to me. Jungkook, well, I never paid much attention to him, which made him like this. I admit it, I was wrong for not paying attention to him, but his mother paid attention to him. Still, he turned out like this," Mr. Jeon turns to me with a simple look. "You were wrong," I chuckle in disbelief.

How can he think like this about his family? "Wow," I press my lips together. "So, you think like this? Well, then also, don't you feel like correcting it?"

"I do. But I don't have time."

"Sir, everyone has 24 hours with them, no less, no more. It is you who should keep a balance between work and family. You always prioritize work, making you a stranger to your family. And maybe that's the reason why you see your family like that," I smile again brightly at him. "I think I should stop. I am just trying to fix this to win your heart for Jungkook. His wish from you is to allow him to have me. Even though he will never leave me, still he wants your permission," I get up and bow at him to apologize. "Again, sorry if I was harsh or went overboard. I will not bring it up again or talk to you about any of this. Thank you for your precious time."

I keep the cup on the counter before walking to Jungkook's room. I look at his peaceful sleeping figure. I need to think about another way to win his father's heart. He doesn't care about his father's decision, but I do. I need to fulfill his wish as he did so much for me. I walk to Jungkook and hold his hand.

"I will do it, Jungkook."

~8:00; Jungkook's Room~

"Let's go on a date. Tonight?" I look at him with wide eyes.

"So sudden?" He shrugs while wrapping his arms around my waist. "Well, sure." Jungkook smiles as we make our way to eat breakfast. Jungkook sits next to me. All of us help ourselves to serve food. Jungkook passes me the dishes before taking them to his plate. He holds my hand under the table. I look ahead to see Mr. Jeon on his phone. "Why?" I whisper to myself.

Mr. Jeon turns to me, making me look down immediately. Fine, do whatever you want. I start to eat without any appetite. I look ahead one more time, but what I witnessed just now had my heart skip a beat.

Mr. Jeon was eating together with his wife.

Mr. Jeon places the dishes on Mrs. Jeon's plate and keeps his phone on the table. I tug on Jungkook's hand before nodding ahead. Jungkook's jaw hangs in mid-air as he witnesses it for the first time. Junghyun looks at them with wide eyes.

Mr. Jeon clears his throat, taking everyone out of their worlds. Mrs. Jeon looks flustered by Mr. Jeon's sudden action. But the smile on her face while she is eating is priceless. "Am I seeing things?" Jungkook whispers to me while I shake my head with lips pressed together. "Am I sick?"

"I don't think so."

Mr. Jeon looks at everyone with raised eyebrows. "Never saw us eating?" Jungkook and Junghyun look down while I party inside my heart.

"Also," Junghyun clears his throat because of the cracking voice he had. "Mr. Hong said-"

"Tell me about it later. We are at home. So, no business talks," I close my eyes and smile, feeling happy about it. Jungkook chokes on his juice when his dad finishes. Junghyun blinks confusingly but ends up nodding at his father. I eat happily after hearing Mr. Jeon's sweet words.

"I am sick. For sure," I look at Jungkook with a tight smile.

"Can't you just enjoy it? You need to spoil it by saying such things?" Jungkook surrenders with a cute smile and eats his breakfast. I look ahead while eating. Nothing more pleasing can be at the moment.

Mrs. Jeon looks so happy and bright this morning. Mr. Jeon seems awkward, but he will overcome it gradually. "Are you two done?" He finishes his breakfast before looking at his sons. Junghyun nods and gets up. Jungkook kisses my cheek before getting up. The youngers leave first as I keep the plates in the kitchen. I turn to the entrance to see Mrs. and Mr. Jeon. "I will be early today as well," Mrs. Jeon nods. Mr. Jeon hesitates a little before clearing his throat. He kisses Mrs. Jeon's forehead before looking back at her.

"Take care."


Oh it is happening :/

~ˣₒˣₒ Pals~ ♡

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