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~12:00; Room~

"Ray, help emergency," My door burst open with the arrival of my two friends, Soya and Yujin. I hum, looking at the forum for updates. "Save me from Soya," I peek at Soya, who is looking at me innocently... Very innocently. "She has been talking about Jungkook for the past two days. Help," My eyes widen at Yujin's word.

"Ray, please help me. I seriously like your friend Jungkook," My jaw drops on the ground after her confession. How can I break the news to them now? I can't tell her that Jungkook was here yesterday, and we did things she can't even imagine. "He is so nice and kind. Jungkook is like totally my type."

"He can't be. He is a fuckboy and doesn't love anyone," I lie to Soya and ruin Jungkook's image. What else am I supposed to do now? One of the things I can't tell her is that I love Jungkook. "Also, he wouldn't listen to me," I lie again, but not in this case. He would listen to me, but he would ignore my request to date Soya.

"Oh, c'mon, he looks so close to you. I thought yesterday, Siwoo was living his last breath. Just imagine if he can beat Siwoo so much for a friend, how much he will do for his girlfriend?" I bite my bottom lip, looking into her eyes. It was for his girlfriend only. I look away as I can't look into her eyes or at her anymore. "Please," I sigh and get my phone.

I switch it on and immediately turn it off. Even though Jungkook and I broke up, I still couldn't take him out of my life and my lock screen.

Me in his arms, smiling and kissing.

"Are you sure?" Soya nods her head energetically. I walk away to call him. I don't even know why I am doing this. I can just tell her Jungkook is mine, and she will understand and step back. My head turns to her, but my mouth closes on its own while seeing her smile. That bright smile, I can't drop that. My fingers press the green button. Jungkook doesn't even take a sec to skip the ring and picks up immediately. "Hey, Jeon."

"Hey, love. I am about to come over," My eyes widen.

"What? I mean, ha nice one, by the way, I have my friends over, and," I trail off, looking at them for help. "One of them wants to speak to you?" I carefully read Soya's lips. "Yeah."

"What? So you told them?"

"No," I exclaim loudly, taking their attention. "I mean, Soya just wants to talk to you," I turn around, facing my back at my friends. "Don't you dare come over, or else I will jump out of the window."

"But I am outside."

"Then turn around and go," He groans.

~ 20:00; Park ~

Someone give me a knife. I may love to stab myself right now, right this moment.

I can't believe I am in between the man who loves me more than I do and my best friend who has been with me for life and likes my man. Soya invited him and Taehyung, also our gang, for camping. I hate it. Jungkook sits beside me, not knowing anything, and Taehyung sits beside him for company. Soya had no other option, so she sat next to me. "Shall we play something?" I nod and agree with Taehyung. It is better to slap myself mentally. "Truth or dare?"

"I am in. Let's go back to high school," Haechan exclaims, and we start to count till 21. Rules are simple, the person on whom 21 falls will choose truth or dare, and the person on whom 11 falls will ask. Each one can say either one number or two max. "Let's start. 1,2,"

After a whole slot of 21 counts, "21," 21 falls on Jungkook. "Okay, let's go with warm-ups. Truth," We look at Yujin, on whom 11 fell.

"Okay, simple, is it? So, have you ever been in love?" Yujin being the hopeless romantic, asks the most anticipated question. I am scared to death at this moment. I lied to Soya, saying he doesn't love in front of Yujin, but this bitch just blew it all up.

"What do you think?" Jungkook looks around the circle and locks eyes with me at the end. "Have I?" He asks me with a lovely smile. I wish I dared to confront Soya before this.

"I don't think so," Soya says, taking his attention from me. I pray for my last wish.

"Well, sorry, Soya, but you are wrong. Yes, I have been in love once, and I still am with the same girl."

Everybody cheers for Jungkook's too honest answer, but Soya looks at me with a questioning look. I look over to see Jungkook, who is being teased by Taehyung, and lastly, at my last hope, Hyunjae. He looks at me with a happy look, only if he knew. What's the real matter now. "Next."

The rounds go on and on with me being safe each game until. "No, not 21," I whine and look at the person who has 11, and I instantly regret it. It is Taehyung. "Anyone but him."

"Fuck yes. I have powers now," Taehyung comes right in front of me and waits for me to choose. I take the truth. "So, Ms. Jeong Ray, what was the last time you kissed someone?" I groan at the question, just like last time. "No lies, I have a lie detector here," He whispers to me while nodding his head towards Jungkook's direction.

I look around, and everyone is eyeing me intensely. I did more than kissing, but I can't say yesterday. "I don't remember it," I look away and instantly slap myself mentally. "Shit," I curse under my breath.

"Why the fuck you lying," Jungkook and Taehyung sing as I make my lie very obvious.

Even though Jungkook knows I kissed him. But he isn't backing up because he thinks this will also be a chance to say I am his, but who will tell him it is Soya and not Jihee.

"Ugh, fine, it was... Uhm, I actually don't know how to say," I whisper as it was after 12, so is it considered today or yesterday? "Yesterday?" I confess, making everyone gasp loudly.

"Truth?" I nod, and Jungkook sneakily approves. "There you go, ladies and gentlemen, you can attack." They all started to question me about the guy I kissed except Jungkook, Taehyung, and Hyunjae, who were happy to know.

Taehyung gets up and goes away from me. "Not this easily, Mr. Kim," I run after him, almost catching him, but he ducks from the grasp. "Taehyung, get your ass here. You do this every time," Taehyung goes behind Jungkook and whispers something. I run past Jungkook only to get into the trap. Jungkook immediately gets hold of me, and Taehyung stands at a distance. "No, Taehyung."

"Well, the game is game," I try to kick him, but Jungkook knows how to hold me.

"I seriously want to know who the guy is?" Sungwoon keeps repeating it. I struggle in Jungkook's grip, but I know I can't escape it.

"Taehyung, you asshole," I throw my legs again in his direction, but Jungkook is still holding me.

~ 22:00; Park ~

I place my head on Soya and close my eyes, hearing the melodious tune that Hyunjae is producing from his guitar. Soya is awfully quiet, so I look at her. "Hey, what happened?"

"Huh? Nothing. Just some thinking," She says and looks away. I forcefully turn her to me. She has a gloomy look. "You said he doesn't love anyone. Why did you lie?"

"Soya, he isn't the one for you. He doesn't have the good boy reputation," She looks down, and I feel guilty for lying. The guilt is eating me up inside until I am feeling numb. I don't know what is good, but my friends' happiness is more important than mine. "I will set you up," Even though I have to get off the race and give up.

"What? No, he loves someone, and I can't break it. You know I am not like that," Soya's eyes widen. I can see the pain in her eyes. She believes that love is so pure that anyone who experiences it can see the happiest moment in life. It is not a lie. I have seen mine, but isn't friendship superior?

"He doesn't love anyone. He just lied."

This is good, I believe it.


Stupid Girl! God, I hate myself for adding this portion even after deleting it for five times!

Also, Happy Birthday to the main lead (Jungkookie)!😆🥳

~ˣₒˣₒ Pals~ ♡

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