Aladdin x Reader • Comfort

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Requested by @Hadrianne-Ilianaura (this is so long overdue it won't happen again sksksksks)

Grey skies, dense dark rukhs, and deep purple lightning.

You were running with a crowd, and the stampede was so great that every few seconds someone dies, trampled upon thousands of uncaring and panicked footsteps. It was pure chaos.

"Aladdin!" You screamed, looking for any sign of the magi that was with you earlier. Left and right, all you could see are many people that changes everytime you look at all directions. It's driving you crazy, and you being claustrophobic ain't helping at all. Being cramped by so many people and with so many entities flying about above, it almost reminded you of your childhood being locked in the closet for hours, until someone found you unconscious. It's not a good memory and you feel so uncomfortable, anxious, panicked, and paranoid at the moment.

"Aladdin!!!" You ran desperately, and the only reason you're still intact is because of the borg that Aladdin made to protect you. It's a good thing, since it means the caster---Aladdin, is still alive to maintain it. The question is, where is he?

Everything was fine a few minutes ago. You and Aladdin are strolling in the peaceful streets of Kou---yes, peaceful---, until a thick stream of dark rukh filled the sky. It was so dense and so sudden that even normal people saw it. The once harmonious atmosphere became heavy and the smell of blood filled the air; and everyone dissolved into chaos.

The dark stream of rukh seemed to be with the weather and the cloudy day became very stormy, but with no rain. Strong winds are coming out of nowhere, and lightning flashes every now and then. The lightning is weird in color and everytime it strikes a sea of flames is left behind; almost everything is burning and the strong winds are strengthening them.

In the ocean of people you and Aladdin lost each other.

"Aladdin!" You called out, but your voice was drowned among all the noise.

In the midst of your search a man who is hurrying bumped into you, but all you could notice was his diamond birthmark that seemed so familiar.


You fell, and lost consciousness.


"Y/N? Wake up," a soothing voice shook you awake, and there's only one man that you know who owns it.

"Aladdin!" You dove into his embrace and burst into tears. "You found me,"

Aladdin tightened his arms around you, sensing that you need it. He made you look into his face and held yours.

"What do you mean that I found you? I've been here with you all the time," he smiled comfortingly. "I'm sorry I woke you up, you seemed to be having a nightmare and you called my name,"


Aladdin took out a handkerchief and wiped your flowing tears. "There," he said, smiling at you. "Don't cry anymore, you can talk to me about it,"

Your eyes watered again. You don't remember anything now, except feeling so alone without Aladdin, and a blurry diamond mark.

"I-i lost you..." you started quietly, vividly recalling the uncomfortable feeling of loosing the one you love the most.

"Hmm?" Aladdin went closer, trying to hear your whispers. He went from holding you tightly to cuddling you, and your heart felt so warm that suddenly, the heavy emotions that your nightmare brought you slowly dissipated.

You unconsciously burrowed yourself in him closer, craving for his scent that calms you down even from having your heartbeat just getting out of a race.

"All I remember is not being able to find you..." you continued.

Aladdin stroked your hair, ultimately calming you down. "It's okay Y/N, I'm here now. See? There's nothing to cry for, I don't like seeing my baby cry," he said.

Oh, how you love it when he does that.

"Mmmhkay." you muffled out, burrying yourself into his chest and slowly dozed off to go back to sleep, having a great sense of security. Having Aladdin is enough to make you feel like you can face anything; plus you're very sure he'd always be there for you without asking invasive questions, and it's the best comfort that you've ever known which is being with a man willing to let you just feel your emotions, no rush, no sensitive questions, and he listens.

Aladdin kissed your forehead, smiling. He loves you dearly and his heart easily got hurt seeing you so vulnerable.

His eyes darkened as he remembered that other than repeating his name while you're having a nightmare, you said another thing only once.

"Shinju," he worriedly said. Aladdin pondered a lot, but figured he shouldn't overthink this matter. He went back to closely cuddling you and started to also fall asleep.

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