Alibaba x Reader • Djinn Equip

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Alibaba Saluja is a hardworking man, training himself to the bone everyday just to perfect his djinn equip.

And all you always do is just watch from the sidelines, supporting him, and always carrying him whenever he collapsed from exhaustion and magoi loss.

Well, like a bestfriend should be.

Alibaba's recent win in a gladiator fight is successful (as always), making him gain more and more fangirls everyday.

Which makes you mad, because you're becoming just a 'someone' in Alibaba's life because of the people around him.

What a jerk, always forgetting you. Are your efforts not enough? You're too sick to even bother sometimes.

Actually your sickness has been with you ever since you're born, it's just that you're nearing to your end now, that's why it's finally at its worst.

Your years are limited, but you don't mind. Life is fleeting, you did everything . No regrets, no anything. There's an exception, though.

It's been a week since Alibaba saw you. He never knew of your situation; and you want to keep it that way.

Probably, he has a new sidekick now assisting him in his life, and more girls hogging him since you're not there anymore to drag him away.

The person you loved stayed as your bestfriend until you die. You smiled in bitterness, but you're like a diamond that must not be shattered. You must endure, for it is the better good for the both of you.

In a span of a week, you're already paralized, and you're so weak that even flinching a bit affects your body. You're also having a hard time speaking, since it takes effort. You're breath is becoming labored each day; you're helpless.

Everytime you sleep it will be a long time, and the doctors said that the next time you do slumber, there's no assurance that you'll wake up again.

Oh, how life is wonderful. Atleast, this isn't as painful as much as you'd thought it would be.

As your dark days befell upon you, your thoughts wander off to him.

Did he eat yet? Is he drinking enough water everyday? Is he taking his meals properly and regularly? Does someone helps him when everytime he trains and collapses? Is there someone who can cook for him and bring him food? Is there anyone caring for him since you're gone?

Maybe you do have one regret; you have never said a proper goodbye to him.

Sometimes jealousy just overcomes you and somewhere in your mind always tells you that you're just his bestfriend and he has a lot of girls to replace you and have another one help him with his daily needs.

Your time is near and you have never said "i love you" to him yet, as something more than bestfriends.

Not that he'll love back someone like you anyways.

Today is the day.

The doctor shook his head sadly, and his magic that's supporting the life of your body is slowly becoming useless each day.

In an hour, all your internal organs will shut down for eternity.

"Doc, can you do me a favor?"

"Of course, as long as it's within my power. What is it?"

"Can you call Alibaba by my mirror?"

Both you and Alibaba have identical ones, which shows you the person you want to see. You use it to communicate with people far away, as long as the other has the same mirror.

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