Judal x Reader • Watched

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"Oi, brat!"

"Come back here, you thief!"


This was basically your everyday life.

Staying in one place for a day, go to another one, and so on.

Of course, since you don't have any money or anything with you, stealing is a normal thing for you. Well, in order to survive.

Unless you want to die of starvation.

Nah, that would taint your nickname. Thief.

And it's not cool to die just because you're too hungry and your body can't take it anymore.


All what you have is your brain, and the help of endless rukh around you.

Yes, you're a magi. An unknown and unexpected one; you're basically undetectable, for some reasons.

No one knows you, and you prefer it that way.

Except, for another magi with red crimson eyes always watching you, with interest glinting from his face.

Your ocean blue-green eyes narrowed as you run, turning into many alleyways. Smirking because you know every nook and cranny of Kou empire---that includes everywhere except the palace--- you know that it won't be very much longer till your pursuer gives up on chasing you.

So what did you stole this time?

Well, nothing much, just a few diamonds, gold jewelries and....textbooks.

Yes, you're quite a learner. And a gifted one at that, the only thing that is unfortunate is you were born as you are---poverty stricken.

You were talented and an intellectual person. But in the end, you're a being that needs to survive; and even though you're an extraordinary one due to your special identity, you don't know anything about being a magi, or how to wield your powers----anything.

Left with nothing to count on lead you to your current career, which is stealing. Not good, but at least you make sure to steal from bad people. It doesn't make it any better, but hey, you've lived a hero for so long enough to be the villain.

Well, you're also a walking information. There is no shady business in Kou empire you don't know of---along with the people involved. Politics is indeed twisted, not that you're getting involved though. You're planning to have a peaceful life despite your difference in affinity, since no one knows you anyways. To everyone, you're already dead. To everyone, you were y/n, the one who died in the fire along with her parents. Unbeknownst to them, you escaped and are very much alive. Unluckily.

Doing a few maneuvers, you reached a certain rooftop, where you can easily land on any direction just in case you're still being chased.

Your eyes darted everywhere, your ears listened carefully, and your nose is sniffing if someone suspicious went here in the rooftop and left a trace.

Well, praise Solomon for his magic, there is indeed a trace that someone was here. In fact, he is still here.

Hearing footsteps behind you and sensing the rukhs around being agitated, you knew that you cannot easily escape this one. Preparing to exchange a few blows in order to gauge out the capabilities of your opponent, you turned around with your body stanced to fight. Wrong move though.

In an instant you were captivated with his crimson red eyes, ebony black hair, and skin as white as ivory. He looks great in his outfit, and his hairstyle was just to your own taste---wait what?

Shaking your head at your own split-moment of vulnerability, you held your ground. Glaring at the stranger coldly, you looked straight at his eyes and said,

" Fight me. "

The red eyed adonis just smirked at you and in a nanosecond, pushed you against his chest for a hug. Tightening his arms around your small frame he sighed in relief.

"Finally. In this lifetime, I'll always be able to find you,"

He always watched from afar.

At the first time seeing you, he was intrigued.

But who are you really to even be able to catch his interest?

Not so long after always coincidentally seeing you, he started to have an obsession. Your fierce ocean blue-green eyes, captivating silver-white hair, he never thought someone can be more beautiful as you. After finishing his duties as Kou's magi he would always witness your escapade, and would only chuckle as he observes your daily life. Till then, watching you after his work became a hobby. Unbeknownst to him you became a spark in his life that never fails to pull him from the darkness that feeds on his powers. He endured everything and quickly finishes his tasks just to see you.

Unconsciously producing a genuine smile that he never thought he could do, he watched as you swerve in the streets without hesitation, escaping from your latest victim. This time, he's a little bit closer from his usual range, and now he can see you much more clearly.

His eyes softened as you finally went on the rooftop he's near to, but his smile froze when he saw a small, but noticeable diamond birthmark near your left ear. It was obviously caked with a skin cream to hide it, but because of your sweat it wore off.

Gasping silently, he pondered. 'Could it be...?'

Afraid that you'll be away from his grasp, he went down on the same rooftop. Expecting that you already sensed him, he stood just there, waiting for your next move.

You turned to him, and for a split second you stared deep into his eyes, captivated. It was just a moment of a blink of an eye but nevertheless it didn't go unnoticed under his gaze.

He almost chuckled at your next words.
"Fight me," you said, unwavering.

However, he just smirked at you and hurriedly pulled you in his arms. He inhaled your familiar smell; the smell of morning dew and peaches, his favorite.

Oh, how he missed holding your body and being in your presence that makes him feel so vulnerable yet safe.

At that moment, he swore to never let you go.

Tightening his arms around you he sighed in relief.

"Finally. In this lifetime, I'll always be able to find you,"

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