Koumei x Reader • Possessive

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You always have been sure that Koumei is anything but possessive. Yes, he likes his stuff to be his stuff, but to go through many lengths and be actually possessive? Nay. His laziness and sleepiness is a huge factor that you totally deny this word along with your lover's name.

"Koumei? What are you doing?"

Koumei, with his gentle but emo eyes deadpanned at you.

"Uhm, teleporting? I'm off,"

Confused, you tried to grab him, but he already disappeared.

"Wait what?" You turned to Sinbad---aka your BESTFRIEND--who's wearing his ladykiller smile, which of course, don't work on you.

Because duh, your heart only melts on Koumei.

"Why did he leave?" You asked innocently at Sinbad, frowning.

Sinbad sweatdropped. "Am I in trouble?" He muttered.

"What did you say?"

"Ah-ah n-no nothing," Sinbad nervously smiles as he imagines a silent-angry Koumei. Facepalming, he recalls what happened earlier.

"Hey Y/NNNNN!" Sinbad called you, and immediately you went out of Koumei's grasp and ran towards the Ladykiller of the Seven Seas.

Well, it's been months since you moved in with Koumei, and it has also been months since you last saw Sinbad. You were childhood bestfriends, but people don't know you much since you've always preferred to stay behind the scenes and hide in his shadow.

Let's just say Sinbad and his generals wouldn't make it out of their adventures if it weren't for you. Do people need to know that? No thanks, you hate too much exposure. You can't have everyone wanting your secrets, besides you're fine this way. Who cares, you have money that could take you everywhere and no one's stopping you.

Koumei, stunned at the sudden absence of warmth beside him, tried to reach your hands but instead missed.


You hugged Sinbad whilst smacking his back.

"I missed you so much, Sinner~"

"Hey, i told you to stop calling me th---"

"Ara, ara, aren't you a sinner for your ladykilling hobby? Tsk, tsk. Get settled down and get a queen you bad sin. Get it? Sin-bad. Bad-sin. HAHAHAHAHA!"

Sinbad sweatdropped. "You and your corny jokes---"

You smacked his head.

"OW WH---"

" My jokes aren't corny. They're humourous for people with high IQ. You think it's corny, so you're dumbo,"

"Dumbo? That elephant with large ears---"

"You've done your assignment well, Sinner---"

"And how am i supposed to be related to him now?"

Smirking, you pointedly looked at his eyes. " Well, becauseee you love eavesdropping, and you have large ears, Sinner. And you're dumber than Dumbo. But at least he's cute; you're not," What can you say, you just love mocking this ladykiller king who thought he could kill all ladies with his smile. You've seen his diapers even before he could actually smile properly. Of course, you just love attacking men where it hurt the most: their ego. And Sinbad's ego is his "unparalleled" looks and charisma---that is, if he have one.

Jafar at some corner:
"Wow, there's a better bully than me,"

Panting, Koumei finally reached you.


"Yes, Koumei dear?" Contrast to how you treat Sin, you're a total softie and simp for Koumei. He's just so adorable. Like c'mon, just look at his bangs that's fancier than your life. Ugh.


"Y/N, let's go!" You haven't heard yet from Koumei but then suddenly Sinbad grabbed your hand to rush off at somewhere. You just facepalmed internally and grabbed Koumei too. Well, why not since you grab Koumei along everywhere anyways.


"Y/N, this is a new delicacy here in Sindria, try it," Sinbad said, trying to spoonfeed you.

And you, being used to this since you were kids, opened your mouth and let Sinbad do so. You heard a metal spoon crack but ignored it; the delicacy was so good. It's a type of sweets, and it's cold. Very refreshing, since it's currently very tropic here in Sindria.

You and Sinbad are currently having fun and talking about your past quests, totally forgetting a certain redhead.

"Djinn Equip!"

Your head shot up to Koumei's direction.

"Koumei? What are you doing?"

Koumei, with his gentle but emo eyes deadpanned at you.

"Uhm, teleporting? I'm off,"


Sinbad scratched the back of his head. "Uh, your sweetie is jealous?"

You looked at him blankly. "Jealous? Of you? Why would he be jealous, he's better than you,"

Sinbad almost choked on his saliva.

You just smirked at him. "Bye, I'm off!"


Arriving at the room provided for you and Koumei by Sinbad in his palace, you knocked at the door.

"Koumei? Love?"

No answer.

Sighing, you turned the knob. "Koumei, I'm coming inside,"

Entering the bedroom you see the love of your life in his indoor clothes, lying in the bed, asleep. He looks so angelic and was probably just waiting for you.

You went to him and stroked his face.

Smiling, you kissed his forehead intending to sleep too but then, he woke up.

Fiery red eyes glared up at you.

Stunned, you weren't prepared as he got up into a sitting position and made you straddle him, with his eye making contact directly with yours.

"Koumei...?" You said, confused. You've never seen him so....expressive. Well, in a good way because look at those eyes! You've never seen them on fire like that.

But then the said man obviously pouted at you and started tearing up.

*insert chibi koumei here*

Being shookt again for the umpteenth time you quickly used your hand to wipe off the tears that are about to fall from his eyes.

"Koumei, why are you sad?"

"I'm not sad, I'm mad."



Sighing exasperatedly you kissed his nose, making him focus on you more. "It's not 'nothing'. Tell me what's bothering you,"

"I don't know,"


"Just... don't hang around with guys too much...unless it's me...i mean it's okay for you to hang out with guys as long as you'll stay beside me....i mean...oh, also don't smile too much around guys...u-uhm well it's not that I'm restricting you, but you're just too b-b-beautiful a-and i- i just want them to know that y-y-you're mine...i mean, u-uhm,-----" Koumei ranted and in a span of seconds he's now a blushing mess.

Embarassed, he buried his face in the crook of your neck while hugging you tightly.

You laughed and made him look at you.

"Is my Koumei getting possessive now? Awww, you're such a cute----!" You teased him, earning a kiss in the lips from him to shut you up.

You glared at him as he lowkey smiled at your defeat.

Well, now you're the blushing mess.

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