Muu x Reader • Strength

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With your boyfriend cuddling you--- well, more like you forcing your boyfriend to cuddle with you--- watching as the moon glow in the night sky from the window, your exhausted heart felt so much better.

It was a bad day and everything sucked more than usual.

Your pet cheetah named Shinju just died, and after your first pool of tears, you calmed down for a bit and seeked comfort from your boyfriend.

It was quite tragic, at your part. Shinju has been your bestfriend for quite a long time now, and since his life force is tied to yours for him to live longer, his life span will be the same as yours. However, it doesn't work both ways. Only Shinju's lifetime is affected, and not yours. Up to now, you could still vividly remember how your heart broke into chaos when you felt his rukh loosening its grip on yours. It was very painful, and you wish you'd never feel like that ever again.

Shinju has been sick for a long time and since he's tied to you, he will suffer the disease for as long as your lifespan is. You never lost hope, after all a disease is called a disease because there must be a cure. You've been recently planning to work something out for that, so you partially removed the bond for you to find a way to heal Shinju's disease and let it not be affected by your rukh. Being tied to your rukh is also equivalent to the disease slowly mutating to having a long lifespan, and so you took the risk to break the bond partially.

All is well, you and Shinju had been travelling all the world adventuring while finding the rare ingredients for a concoction that will help save him. What you didn't expect is a group of bandits, an aimless blade, and your Shinju at the wrong place.

You could still remember how your breath was taken away as it happened all too fast. Your cheetah, who is supposed to be one final step close to be healed before you entertwine the bonds again---has been diagnosed with three days left to live.

You felt it too. Even though you and Shinju are only partially bonded, you felt his rukh slip away. It was too late, and at the moment his life was just basically extended to what it could take.

There was nothing to do except accepting. The concoction is no joke and would take a few days to complete, while the final ingredient is still out of your grasp. All you could do is be thankful that a Fanalis saved you and Shinju, sending him to a magi that took him out of a critical state and maximized his life force to how long it could endure. It was selfish----but you are desperately not ready to lose him.

Knowing that you have a limited time, you ignored reality and faced Shinju with a smile. Seeing such energetic animal who is temporarily healed, you prevented the tears from falling down. He knew nothing except that everything doesn't hurt anymore.

The two of you enjoyed what you had. You and Shinju did so many things you never thought both of you needed, and yet had never wanted.

Even though he hates the smell, you made Shinju taste jackfruits. It was obvious that he likes it after so many pounds he had eaten. He had always hated too much people, but you took him to a Sindrian Festival. He obviously enjoyed, even though a little bit skeptical. You painted both of you as a portrait, and even though you think it looks terrible, Shinju liked it.

It was all laughs and fun, until the third day.

The tears you never know you held in so much bursted out like a dam, and you let reality finally dawn on you that it's over. Shinju is returning to the Great Flow of Rukh, and he may be with you in spirit, but never by your side again.

Shinju is now in peace, and now the left one in chaos is you. It wasn't all bad, though. Along with the heartbreak came hope, as the Fanalis who saved you and went with you to spend the happiest---and saddest three days of your life became your boyfriend, and your support.

You only wished that he met you earlier, back when Shinju was still full of life. The cheetah was your pillar of strength, and the protector of your life. You both only had each other, and there was a trust that could never be replaced.


"Mmhfyes?" Came a muffled reply.

"There are many kinds of strength. What is yours?" You smiled, thinking of the times Shinju has defended you from danger with his extraordinary powers from the rukh.

At that question, Muu turned your head, facing him.

"My strength?"

You nodded.

He smiled at you, making your heart jump out of your ribcage.

"You my love, is my strength."

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