Hakuryuu x Reader • Disorder

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"Hakuryuu..." you gulped, swallowing your pride.




Silence consumed the space.

"It's this...I...it's nothing, Hakuryuu---"


You kept your mouth shut.

"Nothing??!" Hakuryuu spluttered out, barely containing his emotions. "I came here to your rescue, only to find nothing, again? What's with you, really?"

"I--- uhm. It's nothing, Hakuryuu. I promise, I just---" you pleaded, grabbing Hakuryuu's hand.

The other merely looked at you coldly and shook your hand off his.

Turning to the door, he opened the knob and gave you one last look. "We're over, in case you've forgotten. I've responded to you for the sake of our past relationship, but just like in the past, you're still a liar. Don't expect me to come when you cry wolf again," with that, Hakuryuu shattered the remaining shard of hope in your heart.

"I...I didn't..."

Slowly but surely, your tears fell one by one as well as your body, shaking.

"I...I didn't....Hakuryuu..."

Then, a sense of dread waved over your whole being.

A chuckle vibrated throughout the walls of the room you're in, along with claws threateningly going throughout your skin.




In a matter of seconds, you became a bloody mess. Of course, everytime someone comes around, the entity magically covers everything as if it all disappeared---but the pain is still there---, and when you're all alone, it will attack you again and paint your body crimson red.

It was tiring.

You always knew you shouldn't give up, even though it is quite exhausting to feel like dying, then alive---like a cycle never ending that you know you can never get out of.

Moreover, with Hakuryuu now gone, you're less determined to fight the beast that seems to only affect you and cause everyone you loved to drift away.

Well, in your viewpoint, at least they're safer that way, maybe.

Ignoring the cuts and wounds all over your being you headed to your nightstand and grabbed a container, and then popped a pill in your mouth.

Then all out of a sudden, the pain was gone, and everything wasn't so crimson anymore.

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