Creator x Reader • Wattpad Antics

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Aym definitely not shipping u and me, but basically i jus wanna tell u wattpad messes everything up and u might wanna go to the table of contents and read the parts u haven't cuz u may have skipped some of them cuz wattpad messed up the order of my chaps and i fixed it.

And btw if u wanna request, just comment or message in my wall or pm whatever doesn't matter lol

Just say the magi character and one word (ex.: Oblivion) . You don't hav to give me a plot or a whole elaborated idea, unless u want to.

Sooo yeah just say stuff liek this:

Sinbad - Betrayal

And that's it, I'll automatically kno ur requesting.

Bai, thanks for reading.

Please vote and follow ! HeheZ

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