Kouen x Reader • Scrolls

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Kouen being a knowledge-hungry person as usual whenever he's not up to conquering something, is in the library reading. A wide, furnished room with shelves properly organized to fill it with scrolls. There are tables, couches and some furnitures all in different sizes all customized to make the library seem cozier than it is, to be able to shelter a cold king. The dark shades of the colors of Kou harmonizing with cinnamon brown completes the vibe of the massive area.

At the middle area sat a huge rectangular table wherein a redhead is attentively reading scrolls of his recent discovered clues about the old world of Solomon, before Al Thamen wrecked havoc. Kouen, who is sitting comfortably in the couch made himself unable to encourage his enormous self to get up and do other things at the moment. One scroll after another, then another. His eyes never seemed to grow tired, even after all those years of hours of reading.

Y/N, who has entered the library to this very scene have been frustrated for the past hours, pleading Kouen to at least spend a few hours with you. He didn't seem to budge, but instead seemed to just ignore your presence. It didn't even looked like he heard what you're saying at all! At this, Y/N rolled your eyes for the hundredth time.

Seriously, Kouen could be such a pain. Why did you marry this guy again?

Think, Y/N. Implant in your guts you didn't just marry this guy because he's a handsome possessive----and hot---- redhead. No, you definitely had a reason.

At this moment an idea popped in your head, so you left your husband's side and went to find something. Kouen, who has been ditching your attention on purpose, raised a brow as you finally went away. It looked like you had given up, and Kouen did a little victory dance in his head as he managed to not give in to you cute whims. Aight, he loves you, but sometimes he ain't willing to give you what you want. Why? Just because.


Kouen, after finishing another scroll and writing his commentaries on it, went to grab the nearest one for him to study in. He huffed, kinda frustrated he wasn't able to drag the shrimp blue magi with him today to chop chop these scrolls.

As he unravelled the one he just picked up, his eyes twitched. He took a breath as he felt his anger mixed with helplessness become bigger like Aladdin's magic shooting up to 1st Kodor.

"Y/N!" Kouen calmly called. Yes, calmly. Is he going to start giving you spankings now? No, definitely not.

His eyes darted across the library only to see you nowhere, leaving him with an open door.

He sighed in annoyance and stood up to find you, his dear but childish wife. He clenched the scroll in hand where you've excellently drawn a certain redhead bowing down to a blue headed shrimp. It was not depicted quite well, but Kouen just knows it is. He didn't even know you can actually draw. Did it make him mad? No. Did it make him frustrated? No. Did it kick his ego? No.

It made him want to find you for an autograph.

You think that's a plot twist? No, he just wants to send it to Aladdin in hopes that the magi would go to his empire and help him to find more scrolls. Sorry Y/N, you ain't havin' it.

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