Sphintus x Reader • Letters

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Sphintus grabbed a sheet of paper and inked his pen, a series of actions he has done for many years.

Y/N, how are you?

I hope you're doing just fine.

I'm doing just okay here too, but it's better when I'm with you. I had a roommate who's a chibi and looks like a noodle because he lacks muscles---but either way, he's...kinda awesome, even though I wouldn't openly admit that.

From 6th kodor, he suddenly shoot up to 1st kodor.

But of course, you're still more awesome than him because you have me. Tch.

Anyways, I hope they're treating you well wherever you are. I wish you understand that I can't pay you any visits now, since Magnostadt Academy is very far away from Heliohapt.

I'd never get tired of saying this, but Y/N, I've always missed you. Your smiles, your hugs, and your embarrassment that seems to activate whenever you're with me.

Heh, glad to know I can make you blush.

That was years ago though. Yes, I can visit you, but I can't even see you anymore.

I'm sorry, because I can't save you.

I'm sorry, because even though I tried my best I guess my best wasn't enough.

It hurts, honestly. For four years now I've lived with it---waking up without you, eating without you, going off to adventures without you---but Y/N, I'll never forget you.

You'll always have a place in my heart.

And I hope, you're looking out for me wherever you are now.

As always, my messenger would just place this letter on top of your tombstone, along with a bunch of my previous letters.

Do you even read all this corny crap?

I know, I know. I've asked this question many times, but still.

I'll always love you, Y/N. Rest in peace while waiting for me.

The top 1 magician who's yours,

Sphintus Carmen

Sphintus smiled as he shed a few tears while letting the ink dry. He summoned his secret eagle, a messenger he uses exclusively for you. And again, a series of actions he has done for years: he tied the letter in the eagle's talon, and watch as the bird flew away in his sight.

After the war, 930 M.C.

Sphintus, never failing to bring papers, pens, and bottles of ink, brought it out again. Like what he has done for many years; he writes another letter.

The war is over, Y/N.

I've been doing well, and I've gotten better in magic--- you can say I'm one of the bestest magician out there, heh. 

Remember that chibi roommate of mine? Turns out he's a magi. He's amazing, Y/N. But well, in my eyes, no one can be amazing than you are.

People may say I'm arrogant and overbearing, but i just don't want to look vulnerable, Y/N. I don't think anyone can heal my pain except you, and i intend to keep it that way. If they can't see my true self despite my walls, then they're not qualified to be close to me.

I miss you, a lot.

I've always been lucid dreaming ever since you're gone, and in my dreams you were alive.

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