Jafar x Reader • Forgotten Rant

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Jafar squinted with his glasses ---which he only wore when he's doing paperworks, by the way--- at the window in his office and was greeted with the sight of you sleeping in the palace gardens, again.

The white haired advisor pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. Given, you are lying in your picnic blanket this time unlike the usual direct-to-the-ground ones, but that's not the case---you have a delicate health, and Jafar is worried that you might catch a cold considering it is nighttime and you're out about lying in the ground, asleep. Asleep! Jafar could almost anticipate the snapping of the quill he's holding, if not for the fact that he's already broken a hundred ones.

Grunting, he set his glasses down, organized his desk, and got out of his office to get you out of your current predicament.

All of the rants and scoldings that he's planning to release onto slowly disintegrated into nothingness as he could now closely look at your sleeping form, which is so peaceful that Jafar couldn't help but just scoop you up and carry you so that you could sleep properly back in your bed.

You on the other hand felt that you're being carried, and so you rubbed your eyes to mini-wake yourself as you already knew the familiar arms that's holding you; there's no need to be on guard. "Jafar?" You yawned and curled deeper in the said man's embrace, appreciating the warmth his body emitted.

Jafar held your small frame tighter to ensure that you won't fall off as he's walking in the long halls of the palace, and while he's staring at you he almost cooed at the sight of you cuddling up to him. "Yes, dear?" He replied.

"Can I sleep in your room? I can't sleep properly without you," you drowsily answered your lover, whose heart lurched like everytime you request for this---which is everyday--- and it's a good thing that it always happens when you can't see his face, because solomon knows what he'll do if you can see his blush.

"Of course you can," he automatically replied, indulging you and setting aside the remaining paperworks that needs to be done at the back of his head.

"Thank you, mwah,"  you thanked him and smiled drowsily.

Finally reaching his chamber, Jafar carefully opened the door and entered, then setting you in his bed comfortably, before going to his bathroom and doing his night routines.

Whilst you, who is half conscious felt that Jafar is gone for too long began to breathe heavily, a sign of an upcoming panic attack. "J-jafar?" You whimpered out, gathering the sheets around you. Did Jafar leave? Or maybe out for his office? Your doe eyes slowly began to water. What if he never will come back? What if he's already annoyed enough of you? What if---

Jafar, who is encountering a problem with his daggers, heard a small whimper and a cry. He quickly remembered how you are when he's gone for too long---given your severe anxiety and panic attacks---unless you're informed and thus, ran back to his bedroom. The sight of you struggling hard to breathe clawed at his heart, and he quickly gathered you in his embrace.

"Shhh," he assuredly patted your back, and tightly hugging you so that you will quickly realize his presence. "Breathe, Y/N. Slow and steady. I'm here, okay? I didn't leave, and I never will. Breathe with me," Jafar guided you in her episode, and couldn't help but feel more protective towards his precious baby and the love of his life, which is you.

You are the only one who could bring out this side of him, since he knows that with you, he doesn't need to hide his emotions or put up a facade. You need a rock you can lean on, and Jafar decided he would be exactly that but if he hid his true feelings, he cannot be the man for you, and that's something he cannot allow to not be. Besides, you are too delicate to handle deceit and too innocent for your own good. Yes, you may be a strong woman on your own, but because of the environment you grew up in you're too oblivious of today's dog-eat-dog world, and Jafar plans to keep it that way. He loves you the way you are, and that's that.

"Breathe in, baby. You can do it," Jafar encouragingly said, as you are now slowly coming back to yourself. He smiled assuringly at you and then kissed your forehead. "I love you, okay? I would never leave you," Jafar cupped your face gently and his eyes softened at how your eyes could be easily read by him. It was so full of hope, stubbornness and reliance that assured him that you may be an independent person despite your fragility, but that doesn't keep you from depending on him.

That is an understatement, though. What Jafar hadn't seemed to realized yet is that the reason why you are always at the palace gardens exactly at the same location everyday is that because you know that Jafar would occasionally move his eyes away from his paperwork to you, as if ensuring you're still okay, and that's what you needed---his eyes watching you, as that act alone makes you feel a sense of security.

"I-i love you too," you replied, breathing in relief. You cuddled into Jafar's chest for a few minutes, savoring the moment until you both decided to finally sleep in each other's arms.

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