Sinbad x Reader • Sweet

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You laid back in the arms of your lover, Sinbad.

It has been a long time since you two are relaxed, no enemies bothering, overloaded paperworks, or whining generals. Yesterday was such a pain, but it was worth today. Bandits are a common occurrence, but the ones yesterday seemed to be a unique case and so you and Sin spent all day investigating that lead to nothing. However, you shoved that at the back of your brain for now.

Everything was fine this day, and you can't help but to spend precious time with the person you love.


"Yes, my love?"

"You're so cute."

That compliment made your cheeks glow red.

"I-I'm n-n-not!"

"Yes you are, beautiful."

"O-oi! I'm n-not! Stop!"

"Everything about you is so adorable. I can't help but to think out loud...your eyes full of wonder, your perfect face, the way I can ruffle your hair and your adorable face whining...oh, and your cute height too, and the way how your body frame fits in mine when we cuddle..and your small hand too, that's perfect with mine..." Sinbad sighed in bliss, staring at you with eyes full of love. "Solomon. And the mere fact that you're mine makes me feel like I'm the luckiest man in the world...oh, how I love you,"

By now you're completely flustered, and Sinbad chuckled on how adorable you look.

Sinbad leaned in to kiss you. You just closed your eyes and enjoyed the moment, with his lips perfectly molding with yours.

When you two pulled away, you pecked Sinbad in the cheeks.

"My, how sweet you are..."

Indeed, it's rare that Sinbad ain't just sweet-talking, but being genuinely sweet.

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