Judal x Reader • Peaches

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You definitely don't want to say it out loud, and would forever deny it, but if there's one thing your husband wanted more than you, it's peaches. It's not a sure fact, but for yourself to be not disappointed if it is true, to you it's just is. You'd never admit that, though.

"Judaaaaaaal!" You whined, trying to get your beloved's attention. You've been doing this for the past hours, and of course you're slowly being coverted to an unamused angry childo. What's it that he's doing for you to lower your pride and whine to get his attention?

Yes, peaches. He's doing peaches. Eating peaches. Yes. Yes.


Munch, munch.




Munch, munch.

Your husband is choosing a peach over you. A peach. You are defeated by a peach.

You frowned and pouted childishly.
"Judal, do you really love peaches more than me?"

Munch, munch.

"Yeah, you should've known that long ago,"

You crossed your arms, done with all this. Suddenly, you're not in the mood to spend time with Judal, and you're not in the mood to plead him either. Let's say----it's that time of the month and your mood swings are well, very swingy. A wave of madness got you and you are now stomping your way out of the garden.

"Hmmmph, fine. Spend your time with your peaches. We're over." you said seriously, stopping Judal from munching his peaches.

Your tone was way too serious, and Judal assumed that you really meant what you said.

Well, you aren't really serious, because you felt like being in just a peachy mood again. No extra sauces, this is just you emotionally unstable because every month you have to deal with dirty golden blood pulsely going out of you vagina and is it fun? No. Is abdominal cramps 24/7 fun? Nah. Is easily getting injured and having blood clot marks fun? Non. Is feeling like eating a whole cow fun? Nay. Is being able to sleep only sidewards fun? Nope.

Judal is a wonderful guy and sure is annoying sometimes, but you're not really in the mood with this judal-eating-peaches-instead-showering-me-affection crap. It's just that the pain in your lower abdomen is really giving you a headache and you just want to cuddle with Judal, to make it less hell. For some reason it magically makes your periods less painful, and Judal knows that. So you're exactly confused and at a loss why is he acting like this.

Well, looks like cuddling ain't gonna happen.

You are on your way to your room, eager to welcome the comforting bed, that you will probably be spending the whole day in, depressed because your husband don't want to deal your crap with you.

You were about to enter, but then you felt a presence behind you. Knowing that it's Judal, you turned to face him, giving him a blank look.


Judal is still looking you with wide eyes, like the one he was giving you earlier when you said that it's over. Huh, looks like he took it seriously.

As he should.

Y/N being the boss woman you are, you gave him a glare, obviously in a bad mood.

"Y/N...i love you so much,i'm sorry, please forgive me.." And here comes Judal, a golden retriever version.

The said guy hugged you tightly and snuggled his head in the nook in your neck, as if not wanting to let you go until he gets an assurance from you.

Your eyes softened, and you hugged back. Why? Because you're a softie. Harden your heart a little bit someday, life will be easier.

Lying in your bed with Judal not planning to let you go, you are falling a painless sleep when you heard him muttering something in his sleep.


Shinju? What nonsense. First peaches, now Shinju. Who is that? You have no idea.

You rolled your eyes and planned to smack him in the face first thing when he wakes up.

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