Kouha x Reader • Mine

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warning: unedited

You've been living your life cooped in a small room.

Born in a prestigious and influential family but full of lies and betrayal is hard.

Ever since your father died, your stepmother condemned you to your room forever, and showering your stepsisters with opportunities and privileges.

You are known to be dead, the supposed to be heir of the family business and riches, but your stepmom stole it from you.

Your family is one of the top of the most trusted companies of Kou empire, providing them with different kinds of metals.

Yes, you are rich. Well, supposed to be.


All of this are in the past.

You being a prisoner, of course.

And how did you manage to get out of Kou? Well that's a secret.

You now reside in a forest in the Dark Continent, near a lagoon.

It was known to be the most dangerous and mysterious forest, but oh well, you didn't know.

The queen of the sea, Ancadia, gave that lagoon for you to live in. Like her daughters, you are also now a mermaid, but part human, still. You can transform into two races.

Sounds absurd, right? But well, it's true.
You've been living alone in that area, guarding and luring away humans who dare come to that specific area of the forest. It was officially your territory, and it was known to humans that one should never cross your land.

Well, no one knows who you are.

Only rumors knew.


With your super hearing that helps you hear what's going on, news from the mainland (the discovered part of the Dark Continent) that Kou Empire is going to unravel and discover some things in your forest, specifically nearby your lagoon.

Well, if only your territory wasn't a source of water, warding off humans shouldn't be a problem.


Humans that you fear. Djinn Hosts (that's what u call metal vessel users or whatever). They have the power that can destroy or create.

Destruction. One of the things you hate the most, because destruction is you, yourself.

Well, Ugo was a friend of yours who long ago assured you that none of the djinns can even land a scratch you anyways.

Not that you don't believe it, but let's say you've heard many things that's going on inside the Dark Continent.

Well, if the Kou empire dares destroy your home, they don't know whom they are facing.


"En-nii, are we there yet?"


"En-nii, are we there yeeeet?"


"En-nii, are we there yet?"

"Close enough, Kouha."

"En-nii, are we there yeeeet?"

"I said close enough, Kouha."


"KOUHA! Sit down and wait!"

A tick formed in Kouen's head, but he maintained his composure.

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