Koumei x Reader • Sleep

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You sighed for the umpteenth time.

In the name of Ugo, Koumei fell asleep while just leaning on the wall!

You two were just walking around the empire, merely paused, and he is already asleep! Goodness!

Oh well, it was a tiring day. The group of spies disguised as bandits that was sent by Kouen to Sindria didn't come back to report to Koumei, and so Koumei worked double and basically overworked himself.

Those group of spies are supposed to only gather information, and not run into other groups of people, or create any possible form of disturbance. But since they did, Koumei had to go lengths to clean up the mess and cover everything up.

It's not good if the Sindrians directly will know that spies are entering their land.

Carrying your beloved Koumei in your arms with the help of your dijin, you went back to your room, and tuck him in the bed.

Staring at your lover that is sleeping, amazed by his messy but attractive looks. Oh, how you love this man despite his sleeping schedules.

You shook your head, smiling, then the next second, frowning---curse that group of spies who were trained but didn't do their jobs.

Lying down beside Koumei and hugging him, you fell asleep too, in the comfort of your lover's warmth.

What a beautiful day, indeed.

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