Judal x Reader • Before Time

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"Judal-kun?" you, at the young age of seven, called out to Judal, even though it's only for the sake of breaking the silence of the forest you currently got lost in. It was eerie, and all the tiny sounds of insects are creeping you out.

"Judal-kun," little you whimpered out, on the verge of tears. A big spider just jumped out of your vision , and it being the insect you feared the most, it was horribly terrifying. You rubbed your eyes with your tiny fists and continued walking aimlessly as you held unto a wand, hugging it to your chest.

Then suddenly, a ferocious growl erupted, ringing throughout the depths of the jungle. At the sound, you shivered in terror as you walked faster even though you don't really know where you're going. Tears undoubtedly rolled down your cheeks, and the hiccups start.

How did you get in this predicament, you ask? Well, it so happened that you and your parents went on camping, and you happened to stumble upon a wand with the size as long as your entire arm.

As you held unto it and stared at the ruby diamond on the very tip, you realized that it looked like the very wand of your favorite character in the anime entitled "Magi", Judal!

In pure happiness, you turned to your parents to show what you have found, but they were not behind you. You looked over, all the camping stuff are gone, and realized that all the trees seem to be much taller and bigger.

Plus, the hiking trail that you've been all following is gone, leaving you to feel a sense of dread and panic. You clutched onto the wand, your only pillar of courage at the moment, and began to walk out of nowhere.

"Ju-judal," you began to sob his name instinctively, with the reality beginning to dawn on you that you're tired, hungry, and sleepy. Your swollen eyes slowly drooped and you blinked repeatedly to shake yourself awake.

Seemingly forgetting the roar you heard earlier, your small steps began to get even smaller, and you proceeded on slower. Your stomach grumbled and you puffed your cheeks in annoyance. Stupid tummy.

You, in your wobbly walk, bumped into a hard wall without seeing what's in front of you. You landed on your bum, still hugging the wand to your chest and with all your fatigue and sudden accident, you began to cry hard.

"I- i w-want Ju-judal-kun," you cried out as you furiously wiped your never-ending-flowing tears. At this moment, you felt a shadow loom over you and bend to your level.

You peeked through your lashes and saw a pale skinned boy with long and braided raven hair, looking down at you. He seems to be a few years older, but with those deep red eyes of his, he seems to be a lot more. Your tears stopped and you smiled. Finally! "Ju-kun?"

You clumsily got up and hugged the boy in front of you, who is now stunned by your action.

"Ju-kun! I found your wand!" You beamed at Judal, who is almost the double of your height. You offered the object in your hands and ushered it towards the other's rather bigger ones, which reluctantly accepted it.

Judal have never seen someone who looked so strange, as if from another world. He peered down at you who is too close to his liking, but decided to shrug it off anyways and carried you, with your head resting at the crook of his neck.

He decided to set aside the fact that you have his wand which had been missing for an entire day, and while he has been looking everywhere for it, he didn't expect to find it along with a package.

You, who did not expect the sudden gesture, snuggled at Judal. "Ju-kun?" You inquired sleepily, feeling cozy in the other's hold.

"Oi chibi. Where do you live? I'll get you there," Judal ignored the warm feeling brewing up in his heart as he turned to you, who now fell into unconsciousness due to your fatigue. He sighed at this and decided to just bring you home with him.

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