Judal x Reader • Watched: Before Time (sneak peak)

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"---and when I came here, I merged with my current self and found out that everything has been reversed, or well, what is 'normal' I guess.

Which I think makes a little bit more sense since the Kouen now is the overall ruler of Kou, and the names sounds more...well- acquainted? And as well as Sinbad with Sindria.

Of course, this time Sinbad is the one who has generals and Kouen is actually relatives with his 'generals' in the 'un-restored' dimension, which I think, the previous Kouen would've wanted.

Well, things aren't the same. I still miss the scenery of Sindria sometimes so from time to time, I piss off Sinbad," Judal explained to y/n, who now remembered the life they had the moment Judal touched her birthmark.

"Well, I guess it makes sense that in this "restored" dimension, I actually live and exist here instead of someone who just got transported," y/n remarked as she got into a much more comfortable position in Judal's arms.

Judal reached behind y/n and got a peach.

At the action, y/n laughed.

The love of her life just pouted and tightened his hold on y/n whilst munching on his 69th piece. "What?"
Y/n just shook her head, laughing.

"Nothing. You just...never changed,"

Judal shrugged and kissed her forehead. "Well, maybe. But I'll always be the same to you,"

Y/n smiled and closed her eyes. Judal, seeing that she was tired from their early travel of wrecking havoc in everywhere, lulled her slowly to sleep, and she did.


Y/n woke up and find herself back home, stuffed in her comfy comforters with Magi still playing in her laptop.

Getting up, she smiled in pure happiness of her successful experimenting with sleep science.

Staring at Judal's face in her screen, she sighed in bliss.

It was a Magi-cal dream.

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