Jafar x Reader • Mister Paperworks

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There's one thing you've always wondered. How did Jafar manage to accept you, even though you have a personality disorder and several other mental disorders? Everyone in your childhood has caused you to be "distorted", and have the irregularities that you have right now, as an adult. Most of the time you felt shamful, because your past never seemed to leave you. No matter how you remind or ingraine in yourself to be self-aware and conscious, in the end you can't control yourself reverting back into a mentality of a child, then back into what you consider as yourself.

Everyone looked at you with different eyes, until one man came into your vision.


You were weirded out at first. He shielded you from society, he became a filter of everyone you meet, and you finally felt how it feels like to have a lot of friends who didn't judge you for holding tea party toys.

What came strange to you the most is that he fell in love with you, as much as you fell for him. It was magical, like a dream you never knew you'd have. Everything was going on so fine since you met Jafar to the point that your skeptical if all these are real, and you're not sleeping. Like, so many good things had been happening that you don't know if Solomon is repaying you for all the sufferings that you've come through, or maybe this is just a calm before the storm. You've been so used to experiencing bad things that everything seemed so foreign.

Warm, bright, and cozy. Unlike the old days wherein everything is cold, dark, and numb.

Today you woke up feeling energetic and hyper, and in an instant you knew what's happening with your state of mentality again. Unlike before, you don't try to fight it anymore, and just let it flow.

Everyone is soooo busy.

Like so so so so so busy no one can play with you.

Well... you're not a child anymore to play antic games, but since you never really had a childhood and have some irregularities, you play childish games even though you're already in your twenties.

Who cares anyways, it's your life.

Making up your mind, you stopped rolling over in the palace garden of Sindria and went to Jafar's office, running.



You greeted with your nickname for him, barging in his office.

As usual.

He sighed, but smiled gently nonetheless, making your heart melt.

This guy. Is. The world. Period.

"Yes, love?"

"Ja'neaaar i wanna play with youuuu! It's so boring!"

"Then why don't you play with the others?"

You whined. " B-but i only want youuuu to play with meee,"

"And why is that?"

You pouted. "Because... Ja'near's the only one who can play with me... because Ja'near's mine!"

True. You only play with others as long as Jafar's hanging around and playing too.

Well, it makes sense since you two are together. Only he can put up with your childishness and temper.

Oh, and tantrums as well.

"Fine, beautiful. I knew you're gonna ask that sooner or later, so don't worry, I'm about to finish this."

After a few minutes of boring wait, Jafar finally gave you a piggy-back ride around the palace, and on to play or do whatever you want. Heh, you're spoiled by an almighty assassin.

The almighty assassin who taught you that no matter how you think you're weak, you are strong. Whatever you consider as "irregularities" are beautiful, and that makes you unique. You are strong, and Jafar made you realize that. All along, you never faltered, moved on with life, and patiently always waited for whatever comes next. So what if you can't have all "good" things in life? Jafar made you see your worth, even though he doesn't need to make you see it, because like what he's always told you before, everyone each to their own has their worth.

At the end of the day, watching your lover fall asleep as you stroke his snow like hair you thought to yourself that well, maybe you'll forgive Mister Paperworks for taking your Ja'near and his time.

The two of you finally fell asleep, cuddling.

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