Judal x Reader • Sorry

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Judal opened your letter hesitantly, after recently hearing from Hakuryuu that you have betrayed him. Considering years of friendship, he read on.


The dark magi of Kou empire.

The magician who brings trouble wherever he goes.

The man who stole my heart.

The same man whom I'm about to break.

But the question is, am i worth enough to him that he would break?


I'm sorry, my Judal.

I'm sorry, my dark sun.

I know what I'm going to do is unforgivable.


But I must do this, for your longterm happiness.

I must do this, for you.

I must do this, to keep you from them.

To keep them from tainting your mind again.

So you won't be shrouded in darkness.

So you won't suffer anymore.

So you'd finally be in the light, where all your friends will be waiting.

I'm so sorry Judal.

I know this isn't what you wanted.

But yet, i needed to do it.

In exchange of your permanent freedom.

In exchange of your chance to enjoy life and the childhood you never had.

I'm going to turn myself in.

I will destroy them along with me, to make sure that they won't bother you anymore, even in the next life.

I'm sorry Judal. But this is for you.

I'm leaving.

Physically, Judal.

But remember what i told you?

I'm always beside you, no matter what happens.

Goodbye, Judal.

Al Thamen needs to be eradicated completely.

I love you.

Judal, for the first time ever, ran for his life. You.


Y/N, after finishing your setup, finally manipulated all the Al Thamen members and they are now dressed as "spies" that are disguised as bandits. The months that you have been monitoring the Kou empire for sending specifically information spies have not been in vain. Since all of them are too many you split them in groups, currently all near the borders of other nations.

You smiled, knowing that the end is near. They have all been temporarily your puppets, who will not necessarily follow all your actions, but would imitate the way you would travel. They're all trapped in their own tiny sliver of consciousness, and the rest has been dominated by you. You've had this power ever since you can remember, and when you met Judal, you slowly gained the desire to be able to control it for his freedom.

Once you placed your "puppets" in your consciousness, they would travel the plane you have created and put in them, and so no matter where they are physically, their footsteps would take the same roads----roads according to the "consciousness" that you have ingrained in them. You placed some of them near the border of Balbadd. While on the other hand, you are with the group that you placed near the borders of Sindria. All the Al Thamen members now don't have their own reality, which is your goal. So as you walk towards Sindria, the other groups are also walking towards another nation---they have no sense of place, only a sense of your place, thus they feel like they're walking the same road as yours even though you have manipulated their road to be onwards other nations.

Jumping from trees to other trees, a lone tear fell from your eye. This sacrifice of yours mean nothing to you, but you hope Judal would be finally be freed from his chains after the final burst of your life.

You are at the point where your rukh is planted in all Al Thamen members, making you a permanent master--- something that took you years, and finally, here you are. You can now do anything with them, and conquer the world with them, but that's not what you want. The side effect of this is what you're hoping to use, which is that if you die, their surpressed consciousness along with their physical bodies will also die.

Something went into your peripheral view.

A cheetah...and a girl?

Two innocent lives, strolling around the forests of the border, huh.

The Al Thamen members---now your puppets seemed to be attracted to them, and you realized why.

Something was clinging to the rukh of the cheetah. Something depraved that sucks away life and hope, something that the Al Thamen would crave for unconsciously. For some reason, you saw the girl's rukh along with the cheetah's and sensed that the bond seemed to surpress the depraved being, however it is only partially effective.

This...did the Al Thamen made that? They're really persistent to exist. With your thoughts made up, you threw a blade towards the cheetah, silently apologising to the girl and wishing her blessings.

You are familiar with the rukh that the Al Thamen has, and you cannot be wrong. If you don't kill the cheetah, that's equal to letting the Al Thamen an opening.

You enchanted a spell and completely broke the bond of the girl and the cheetah, so that she won't be a potential host as the depraved being is suffering under your blade, with its host the cheetah, also in pain. It's a good thing that the bond is already partially broken, so the magic in your blade managed to surpress the depraved entity, trying to claw away from eradication and into the girl.

"Sorry," you said under your breath, as you see the girl sobbing as if her senses were taken from her.

You let a Fanalis that appeared out of nowhere stab you in the heart, ending your existence as well as the Al Thamen's.


As you lie in the dirty ground bloodied and in the brink of death, you sense a familiar black rukh. Black, but has lost its sense of depravity. Its color holds no meaning, and you know who owns it.


You smiled happily and gestured him to come closer.

"Diamonds," you whispered to his ear.

Now, it is up to the Great Flow of Rukh if you will return to it.

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