4. Principal's office

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Nessa's POV:

I feel arms circle around me after one final hit knocking the bitch out. The same arms carry me with them to the principals office.

Jaden sits me on his lap in the office before the secretary calls Christian into the principals office. I lick my lips tasting blood. Jaden chuckles making me look up.

J: you look awful

He reaches over and grabs a tissue gently wiping my nose. Once he's done he shows me the bloody tissue.

J: you kicked her ass angel

He praises. I smile and lift my hand to my face, touching my lip. Once I bring my finger back from my lip, I see blood. I scrunch up my face causing Jaden to laugh.

N: it's not funny. I look gross

I cover my face with my small hands in which he whines

J: heyy! No don't hide that beautiful face of yours

He pulls my hands from me kissing my bloody knuckle. Once he brings his lips back I mentally gag and grab a tissue wiping the blood off of his lip.

N: estúpido! Your getting blood all over you. Stop kissing me!

J: so... If only I can kiss you

He mumbles the last part quietly but I still heard him.

N: well you can't unless you want to taste blood. So-

But he gently places his lips on mine. Licking over my bloody lip causing me to gasp since my lip is still bleeding. I feel him grin into the kiss before I break it.

Once we separate he has a proud smirk on his face licking his lip.

J: taste fine to me

N: I'm starting to question if you're a vampire
I giggle.

He smirks.

J: I can always bite you sweetheart, if you want. All you gotta do is ask.

He says smirking I scoff.

N: no you already tasted blood sicko!

He shrugs. I slap his shoulder but I stop seeing mads and the schools security walk in with her, she looks at me but looks away scared heading into the office. I mentally laugh at how fucked up her face is. I feel my phone beep

Jae Jae hossler🥰:
She looks scared of you😆

I roll my eyes and look up to see him stick his tongue out.

My angel 💖🥰:.
she better be.

The office door opens and Christian walks out. I then see my parents walk in and sit across from me on the other chairs. Dad looks mad while mom is concerned by my face. My phone beeps again.

Father 🤟:
I'm not mad but you and your boyfriend are explaining everything once we get home.

Munchkin 🐿️:

You'll probably find out soon. And he's not my boyfriend.

Father 🤟:
Yet. Have you seen the way he looks at you.

I look up to see my dad smirking.

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