Bonus Chapter: FINALE

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"C'mon guys we gotta get mom to the hospital" Jaden announces as Nessa's holding her bag as she's breathing deeply through each contraction. "you alright darling?" jaden asks as he rubs his wifes arm. But she hums deeply waiting for her first born to come down, just then Elijah comes down frantically, swooping Aurora in his arms.

"Ready dad" Jaden then leads everyone before little Aurora questions her big brother, "bubby, is mommy hurt. Dat why mean people gots to fix her?" The family smiles at the young girls innocent question, as her older brother straps her in her carseat. "no princess, your brother and sister are coming, so mama needs doctors to help bring them home."

The little girl nods her head excitedly. Once they get there elijah opens his moms door after un strapping his sister before carrying her as they trail behind their parents. As Jaden walks through the hospital doors and to the reception desk, "my wife is in labor" the nurse nods typing the patients name in. "whos her doctor" Jaden responds with Grayson making the nurse nod as she types it in. "I'll page doctor Grayson right away sir" Jaden responds with thank you after a small nod.

Few minutes a male doctor walks up along with two female nurses. "lovely seeing you again Mr. and Mrs. Hossler, now are you ready to get your babies out" Nessa hums deeply in response by each contraction

Time skip

"One last big push and you'll meet your little boy" Dr Grayson says as has been in labor for a little over 12 hours. Nessa lets out a loud scream pushing with all her might. "He's out, you can relax now. Nessa falls back breathing heavily as the two female nurses place her two bundle of joys on her chest.

"They're beautiful" she cries rubbing both babys cheeks. "hello Aidan and Freya" nessa smiles brightly as tears escape her eyes.

Time skip

It's been years since the birth of Aiden and Freya and the children are now 25, 18, and 8. Elijah is currently getting married today to his girlfriend Natalie.

Upon in their dressing room as Jaden fixes Elijah's tie. "Were you this nervous on your wedding day dad?" He asks, causing Jaden to laugh.

"I was a mess, your grandfather Kelly was laughing at how nervous i was" he says thinking back to that day.

"But once i saw your mother walk down that aisle all my nerves washed away" he says smiling. Elijah nods.

Once finished with getting ready all the groomsmen walk out and take stand at the arch. Once the music begins to play his heart speeds up and he looks to his father whom is smiling at the young man and gestures to take a deep breath. The boy does so and slots his bride feeling his nerves wash away like his father said.

When the officiant is finished Elijah pulls the girl next to him in his arms and kisses her deeply holding her flushed against him.

Once the couple pulls away everyone cheers happily for the couple.

Throughout the wedding everyone dances and eats the delicious buffet. Elijah has never been happier surrounded by his family and wife. Little does he know that his wife will reveal she's 18 weeks pregnant with their first born.

Upon hearing the news he's overwhelmed with joy and happiness. Hugging his wif close to him. "We're having a baby!" He cheers twirling his bride. Everyone congratulates the two and nessa is crying happy tears reminiscing the time she was pregnant with her first born.

Jaden smiles at his wife in his arms. The best decision was his friends pushing him to go to the gym where he met mgks daughter.

Finished October 8 2024.

Thank you to everyone who has read this book. I loved every second of it. Please go check out my other books. More books are coming soon.

This is the end 🤧💔

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