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Jaden went on tour about three months ago leaving me alone with Elijah.

Mom and dad have been visiting us as well as Bryce, Cynthia, Quinton and Josh.

Since Jaden's been on tour Elijah's  been a fussy   and  crying mess without his father being home. So Jaden and I face time every chance we get.

Since we announced Elijah we had more paparazzi and fans swarm Elijah and I, so Jaden had gotten us extra security since he's not around us.

I wake up to a fussy baby which causes Jaden to groan since he and I fell asleep on face- time.

I throw the covers off of my body and go out to his room, taking the phone with me. Once my eyes adjust to the light in the baby's room I walk over to his crib.

"Hey baby boy" I flip the camera so that way Jaden can see him. He smiles as his blue eyes shine bright.

"Wanna see dada" I ask turning the phone. "Hey buddy" Jaden smiles at the boy in the crib.

Elijah shrieks in joy. I smile and set the phone up on the changing table.

I lift the excited boy in my arms and gently set him on the changing table and unclip his dirty onesie. "Lijah" Jaden sings through the phone.

Once he hears his name he looks all over the room to see whose calling him. I smile shaking my head, "Dada's right there" I point to the camera, he looks over to where I'm pointing and shrieks in excitement.

"You're crazy this morning aren't you" Jaden's raspy voice asks, I smile at their interaction.

As I wipe him I secure his diaper before kissing his tummy causing him too giggle. "I miss hearing that"Jaden sighs sadly. I look up at the phone to see him frowning.

"I know babe" once he's dressed I put some Socks on his feet. "So what're you doing today baby" he asks as I finish dressing the small boy in my arms.

"I was thinking of going to that private park area you showed me, with Elijah and maybe everyone else. I just wish you were here" I look down, causing it to go quiet.

He nods reminding me to call Paul. We talk for a few more minutes before I hang up. Once Paul pulls up I take Elijah and set him in his car seat.

Bryce was the only one free too hang out so I stop by and pick him up before going to the park.

Once we get there Bryce gets out and sets up Elijah's stroller. I get him out and strap him in safely, Bryce then begins to push the stroller acting as if it's a airplane causing the baby to giggle.

"Wow buddy you're going so fast" he tells Elijah as he swerves right and left. I smile at there interaction.

Only for it too quickly drop when I see the two people I never wanted to see. "Looks like she's a slut and a liar"

So sorry for the late update. I'm running out of ideas. Would y'all like me to continue this story fully or end it.

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