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Jaden's POV:

Tour has been stressful. Amazing but stressful, we've been on the road for a while now. The fans have been awesome and this everything I ever wanted

A career in singing, nice home,  family (in-laws), friends and a amazing little family of my own.

I miss my wife and son more than anything in the world. It sucks that I can't see him grow with being on tour. But my manager agreed to let me go home a month early for a while before a few months months later I go back on tour.

I have two shows left before I can go home. "Jaden you're up" my manager states. I nod and walk out on stage and begin singing the songs to my album while the crowd sings along.

Throughout the concert I talked to some fans and even witnessed a piece of shit, lowlife fucking with a woman. So I ended up calling him out and got security to escort him out.

After the concert I found the girl and had a chat with her. Only it lead to her telling me everything. The fucker was touching her in all the wrong places. I comforted her and even signed her phone case, as well as making a TikTok and took a couple pictures before giving her a hug.

"Have a great day darlin thanks for coming" I wave, she smiles. "Thank you so much Jaden" I smile nodding my head seeing her walk safely to her car.

Once I got back to my hotel I begin packing before zipping my suitcase once I'm done. I left out a few outfits for a while before going on my phone.

Nessa's POV:

The tension is thick as Addison and mads are standing in front of me. I go to talk but Elijah begins to cry. Bryce whispers in my ear and I nod.

He unbuckles the baby's seatbelt and holds him bouncing him up and down, swaying side to side, while whispering to call him down.

"I knew you were a liar" Addison says breaking the silence. "You fucked Bryce and ended up having an ugly accident" mads fires causing Addison to snicker.

My mouth drops, "woah back the hell up, Nessa and I never did shit Madison. He ain't my son and sure as hell isn't a damn mistake or ugly for that matter. If you actually looked at the poor boy then you can clearly fucking see he resembles his father, her damn husband" Bryce backs me up his voice becoming louder.

That causes them to shut up. I smile at Bryce silently thanking him. Elijah babbles playing with his shirt. We go to walk but her voice stops me. "That's not Jaden's child" mads pushes.

I turn around Crossing my arms, fed up with this bullshit. "Really, please enlighten" she smirks, "I'm pregnant with his child" I roll my eyes.

"Yeah right" I scoff. Before she can say anything else Bryce and I walk away.

We spend the rest of the day playing with Elijah. Well Bryce playing with Elijah. Pushing him in the baby swing, or taking him down the slide.

I smile at their interaction, he's gonna be a great father one day. "Your Mama's over there" he points causing Lijah to look in my direction.

I smile and wave causing him to shriek in excitement clapping his small hands together.  Bryce then slides down the slide, the baby in his lap causing him to giggle.

My phone rings causing me to pull it out, seeing a text from Jaden I miss youuu :( I laugh before replying.

Oh quit whining you'll be home soon I look back at the boys seeing Bryce hold Elijah's hands walking with him towards my direction.

That doesn't give me a reason to stop missing you. What's my boy doing?
He responds. I smile and send him a picture of Bryce laying on the grass lifting him in the air before taking another of Elijah just laying on Bryce's chest.

He's taking him away from me :( I roll my eyes, responding with yeah whatever. I look at the time seeing that it's already almost five and almost time for him to be out down for a nap.

"C'mon boys we gotta go" Bryce gets up and sets him on his shoulders running towards me, causing Elijah to hold onto his hair giggling.

Once he's strapped in his stroller we head into the car while I strap him in his car seat before dropping Bryce off at his house.

As we're on our way home I get a call from Jaden and answer it causing Jaden's voice to echo through the car. Jaden and I recently got a car with a Bluetooth sound system so it'll be easier to call when he's off on tour.

"Is this the most beautiful person in the world I'm speaking to?" Jaden asks cheekily. "and who may that be?" I laugh, slightly turning red "The daughter of a famous rockstar and the love of my life" I blush a deeper shade of red from his words.

"You're funny Hossler" his laugh echoes. "so why'd you call" I ask before looking to see the baby playing and chewing on his toy. "just checking up on my wife and son" I hum, "well your son is in his car seat chewing on his toys and I'm driving us home." I reply before turning onto the highway

"Was Paul with you guys" I nod looking in the mirror seeing his car driving behind us. Paul isn't exactly a social person so he stood from afar whilst keeping an eye out. "Yeah. You don't have to worry Jae we're fine" I say softly. He sighs responding with I Know.

Once I pull into our driveway Jaden and I say goodbye before I get out. Paul pulls in and helps take everything in. "Where shall I place these ma'am" he asks. "Oh I'm right there would be fine. Thank you for your help Paul" he nods his head placing everything on the counter. "Of course Mrs Hossler" I smile at his kind gesture.

"Well that's should be all for now Paul" I say letting the baby out in his playpen. Once I see him crawl to his toys I begin to go to the kitchen and put everything away.

Paul then says goodbye before I finish up cleaning. Once I'm finished I go to check on Elijah to see him babbling at his toys jumping up and down before using his tiny hand to rub his eyes.

I sit on the rocking chair in his room and sigh "just you and me now baby" he gurgles tiredly in my arms making me smile.

We just need Jaden to feel whole

Hey guys, so sorry for the wait. Feeling better than ever. Happy new year's!! 🤍

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