51: Elijah's birthday-- nominated

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Doing a Little time skip ;)


It's been a while since Elijah said his first word and Nessa and I were over the moon. At first we froze wondering if he actually said what he said. But him chanting the word dada while bouncing in my arms was enough to confirm it.

We've also been trying to get him to learn more words and manners such as thank you please and your welcome. In the little time we've been teaching him he's gotten so far. I'm beyond proud of him and I think Nessa can say the same.

I go back on tour in two months even though I don't want to. But I'm happy that it'll be my final tour for a while.

I wake up to a loud cry that causes Nessa to stir. I kiss her forehead telling her I got him and to go back asleep. She nods sinking back into the pillow.

I walk into Elijah's room to hear his cries. "What's the matter little man" I ask standing by his crib causing him to stop his cries. He sniffles staring at me with his blue eyes.

"What're you crying for hm birthday boy" I ask playfully. He giggles kicking his little feet.

I reach down and lift his silly butt out of the crib. He giggles in my arms kicking his legs "dada! Dada! Dada! Dada!" He chants.

I laugh setting him on the changing table. "Yes little man I'm right here" i tickle his stomach causing him to squeal. I smile seeing his  little grin, spotting his next  tooth that should be coming in.

Once he's in a football onesie I put on some black socks and his slippers. "Ready to go wake mama" he squeals happily. I laugh walking back to the room.

Once in the room I set him on Nessa's chest and he bounces. Nessa whines opening her eyes before smiling. "Ma- ma" he tries to say. Nessa smiles widely. He then attacks her with the biggest hug causing my heart to melt.

He continues to bounce on Nessa's stomach. "Ma- Mama" he chants once again. Nessa giggles lifting him in the air, he smiles wide.

Soon after we get him to calm down we all get up and brush our teeth before going downstairs for breakfast. I begin making breakfast pancakes eggs and bacon while Nessa sits him in his highchair. Along with some side fruits for Eli.

Once everything is done I walk to Eli's seat and set his food down and Nessa helps him eat. "Dis?" The small boy questions pointing to the Strawberry. "Strawberry baby. Say it with me" he looks at her with doe eyes as she feeds him.

I bring mine and Nessa's plate to the table giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Say it Bud, straw... Berry" he then tries to say it.

"Staw- bewwy" he tilts his head. Nessa claps her hands. "Close baby" she boops his nose cutting up his pancakes and bacon before placing it on his tray.

"Tank chu" I smile knowing he's finally learning manners as well as learning new words every day. "No say thank you to dada he made it for us" Eli smiles looking at me, "tank chu dada" I smile nodding. "You're very welcome little man" he giggles digging into his foods babbling incoherent words.

I then begin to eat as well as Ness. Once we're done I laugh at the mess Elijah made strawberry and watermelon juice all over his face and the table.

I get up and grab some wipes and help Nessa by cleaning his tray before taking his plate to the sink. "You're a very messy eater. Messy eater" she says in a child like voice while wiping him clean.


All the decorations are up and now we're just waiting for everyone to show up. Eli's currently sitting in his playpen, playing with his toys.

Just then the doorbell rings, I open the door to see Quinton, Bryce, and Cynthia. I let them in and Bryce takes off to Eli. I smile as soon as I hear his giggles. Bryce comes back with my little boy perched up on his shoulders.

"Untle Bwyce stawp it" he giggles. He's still working on learning his R's and C's.  Bryce laugh galloping in the room making him bounce up and down giggling.

Everyone awes at the sight. Just then the door goes off again. I open it to see mgk, Gran and Megan. Along with Jackson Sasha and Nessa's aunt's and uncles.

We greet everyone and Bryce sets Eli on the carpet. I look at my boy to see him standing up before falling back down. He still hasn't made his first step but hopefully soon.

Elijah must feel my stare because he huffs and stands once more, "dada" he yells catching everyone's attention.

Elijah sticks his tongue out concentrating on something before taking one step forward. Making everyone cheer.

My eyes widen even more as Eli and I keep eye contact. I smile causing a giggle to leave his mouth.

"Dada" he continues to walk towards me before finally making it to my legs and he ends up falling. Everyone claps excitedly. And I look to Nessa and see her speechless recording everything.

He took his first steps.

I smile proudly picking him up. "You did it little man" I lift him in the air while throwing him up a little before catching him in my arms. He giggles loudly clutching my shirt.

Throughout the day everyone eats dinner speaking among each other. Just then Sasha runs up to me "juju" she hugs me. I smile lifting her. "Hey princess how are you doing" she smiles wide hugging me tightly.

"Missed you juju" she mumbles, her face stuffed in my shoulder. I smile rubbing her back swaying side to side.

"I missed you too princess" my voice comes out softer than usual. As Sasha cuddles up in my arms I open my eyes and see everyone staring at us.

I smile and kiss the crown of Sasha's head. I then lift her up setting her carefully on the floor. That's when Eli crawls up to me.

"Dada we open pw- esents" he asked struggling with the word present. He stands carefully holding onto my pant legs.

I shrug "ask mama" I point. He nods crawling to her before asking and given out a nod.

I pick my boy up and everyone walks to the kitchen as Nessa gets the cake out. Once the candles are lit we sing happy birthday before Eli tries to blow out the candles and Nessa helps him.

He claps his han and Nessa gives him the small cake we got just for him. He smiles and digs into it using his hands.

In the end he gets cake everywhere, and I mean his face hair clothes and his table. Everyone laughs at the sight but he doesn't pay no mind to it and continues to eat.


We're all just lounging around in the living room and I see Eli passing out on the couch. I smile and lift him up before cleaning his face with a wipe and changing his clothes. In which he whines about waking up.

Once I'm done I set him in his crib and turn off the lights before heading downstairs.

"Jaden your phone's ringing" Nessa yells. I jog down and pick it up. "Hello" I ask without looking at the caller ID  "hey Jaden" Travis calls out. I was recently signed to his contract. "What's up Travis"

"So great news, you've been nominated for the Ama's award show" I freeze hearing the news.

I think I may have Nessa and Elijah company Jaden to the awards show. What do you think?

Please vote comment and follow for the next update <3

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