33: Wedding part 1

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Today's the day I feel like I'm going to throw up. I'm currently sitting in the dressing room while some makeup artists do my hair and makeup.

"What if I fall- or say something wrong- what if I fuck up. What if he says no..." I ramble my nerves getting the best of me

"Nessa, shut up. Nothing's gonna go wrong. You won't fall or say the wrong thing. Jaden would be stupid to say no- well he is stupid. But not that stupid to give you up." my cousin Emma says.

Addison and Bryce previously broke up, which caused a major fall out with our friend group. Addison no longer hangs out with us.

In her words she doesn't wanna bump into Bryce but she already has new friends of her own. She blocked my number and instagram with no explanation.

I don't know if this is her saying she no longer wants to be friends or... Quinton and Cynthia took a break for a few months before getting back together.

Josh is currently single, again.

And I had decided to not do bridesmaids. I'm currently bouncing my leg freaking out. Do all brides act like this?

I have my hair in some sort of bun. Which I may add is beautiful. They styled it so my bangs hang down, semi curled.

While my make up is gold and black with some highlighter. Along with filling in my water line with eyeliner.

"Time for the dress" mom says, I laugh, she's too hyper. I grab my dress and hills and everyone leaves to let me get dressed.

Once the dress is on I zip the back before adding on my hair clip that belonged to my great grandma, my something old.

I'm wearing my mom's diamond necklace she wore on her wedding day as my something borrowed

My something blue, is a pair of lace underwear my mom bought for me. Which she demanded I wear for my wedding night.

My something new is a diamond bracelet my dad bought for me. Once I lace my hills I walk to the door. My mom hands me my bouquet of flowers.

I stand by dad, "please don't let me fall" I whisper. "Never, I'll make sure it doesn't happen" I look up at him, beginning to feel emotional.

The music begins to play and everyone stands. I take a deep breath before walking with my arm linked with dad's.

Once we get to the opening my breath hitches as I stare at Jaden. In a black suit with a gold design on his jacket. Black trousers and black dress up shoes. With his hair combed. I prefer messy hair but he still looks handsome.

I look around my surroundings to see everything in white. Mostly white flowers along with a banner. Everyone went all out in these three months.

Jaden and I lock eyes and he smiles, in which I return. Dad hands Jaden my hand before whispering something in his ear, which causes him to nod. He kisses my cheek before sitting with mom.

I stare at Jaden, blocking out the words that are coming from the pastor, which is him saying thank you to everyone for coming and being here. Along with prayers and what not. "Do you, Jaden Hossler take Nessa Baker to be your lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold, for the rich and for the poorer, in sickness and in health, for long as you both shall live"

Jaden smiles sliding on my ring, "I do". "Do you, Nessa Baker take Jaden Hossler to be your lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, for the rich and for the poorer, in sickness and in health, for long as you both shall live"

I nod slipping his ring on, smiling as tears prick my eyes "I do" Jaden's smile widens giving my hands a squeeze. "By the power invested in me I now declare you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" he finishes.

Jaden cups my face, pulling me into him. He places his lips on mine. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck.

We kiss for a couple more seconds before pulling away. Everyone erupts in cheers. I'm married!

I go to pull away but Jaden dips me before kissing me again, which causes everyone to cheer.

Once I'm standing, Jaden puts his arm around my waist.


It's currently the after party. The DJ calls us up to dance. Jaden pulls me in by the waist and we began to sway.

"Did I forget to mention you look stunning" Jaden speaks up before twirling me. I blush, "and you look handsome. All though I prefer your messy hair" I tease. He smiles, "I love you... Mrs Hossler" I smile.

"I love you as well Mr Hossler" he smiles before dipping me. He pulls me back up and kisses me. Once we pull apart dad comes up to us, "mind if I steal her" Jaden shakes his head. "Not at all" he kisses my cheek before going to dance with my mother.

"Look at you, all grown up" dad speaks up swaying to the music. I smile, "yeah, kinda scary to think of it" I reply before he twirls me. "I remember when you were riding your bike and I got a call. You crashed your bike after riding with Jackson" I giggle.

"Yeah, it was after you told me we couldn't go to the store because you didn't want us getting hurt. Only we didn't listen" I reply thinking about that day. "And  you got hurt in the end" he finishes.

"At least Jackson and I still got the candies we wanted-" I look up to see him smiling. "You also got grounded" I laugh, tears streaming down. This is a very emotional time

"And a very bad scrape" I add. He nods. "But to me you'll always be my little girl" I smile and lean in to hug him. He places his chin on my head swaying softly.

"Dad" he hums as I pull away, "thank you" he raises a brow. "For being an amazing father. Taking care of me... in your own way." I giggle, in which he rolls his eyes. "You have been there for me through my hard and great times. I'm Forever grateful for that" I smile wiping my tears.

He laughs handing me his handkerchief. I grab it and Dab the tears away. "Gee you dance for not even five minutes and you make my wife cry" Jaden says behind dad.

I laugh before excusing myself to freshen up. I walk in the bathroom and check my makeup up.

Once I wipe away all the smudged areas I leave the bathroom. I go to sit down since my feet hurt in this hills.


They're married! Also I'm so sorry if I fucked up the ceremony. I had no fucking clue how to write that. Honeymoon is next ;)

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