17: Ellen

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"take out" I ask Jaden as we're cuddling in our hotel room.

Jaden practically begged to go with me and I couldn't refuse. So I let him come.

Oh did I forget to mention we went public a few weeks ago. Sure there was hate by mads and her fans but overall the entire internet went ballistic. Explaining that the Nessa Baker now has a boyfriend and all that other bullshit.

"Yeah if that's what you want" he replies kissing my cheek. I smile and grab my phone.

We soon decide on pizza. So after ordering one large we just sit in bed. "You nervous" he questions. I nod snuggling more into his side. "Yeah but I think I'll be fine considering I have a familiar face to get me through the day" I reply, making him chuckle.

"Oh yeah" I nod looking up at him. "And who is this familiar face. Do I happen to know em" he replies cheekily. I decide to go along with it.

"You might know him. My rockstar who just so happens to be my lovely boyfriend, why do you ask" he pouts. "So I won't have a chance to take you on a date" I giggle and kiss him. He smiles through the kiss. I straddle him before breaking the kiss, sitting on his lap.

"Not so sure if he'd like me out with another boy" I caress his shoulders. He laughs sitting up to kiss me. I pull my hands up to play with his hair, while wrapping a leg around his back. "I love you" he speaks sincerely as he looks me in the eye.

"And I love you"


"I'm nervous" I ramble for the hundredth time. In an hour I'll be having my first interview ever. "Baby, you'll be fine. I'll be in the crowd cheering for you" I nod and he pecks my lips a couple times.

I whine as he pulls away. He smirks as I pull him into a sweet kiss, only for it to get heated since I can't get enough. But soon the sound of lips smacking is heard as we break apart, "I think that's enough for now. Don't want it to lead to anything just yet" he says caressing my sides before tapping my nose. I roll my eyes, pushing him away.

Once I'm ready we grab a cab before heading to our destination.


Third person perspective:

"Please welcome Nessa Baker" Ellen announces making Nessa smile and walk out. Everyone cheers as she makes her way to the stage.

"Thank you for having me" Nessa speaks as she takes a seat. "Well thank you for coming" ellen responds.

"So you're the mystery daughter that has recently been announced to the media" Ellen questions having Nessa smile and nod.

"I am" she speaks truthfully. "Fans want to know, who and what made the decision to keep you out of the cameras" she asks looking at her tablet.

Nessa sits straight and crosses her legs "well it was my parent's choice. They wanted me to have a normal life, not to deal with having cameras up my face at such a young age. But by the time I came of age to understand what was happening they let me decide when I wanted to come out publicly, so I decided on my seventeenth birthday" she explains.

Ellen nods and proceeds with the questions. "Your still in highschool correct?" Nessa nods. "I am actually in my senior year, graduating in a couple months" she responds.

"And how is that?" She asks. "It's alright, I recently transferred to public school, considering I've been doing online my whole life. But other than drama I'd say it's going just fine" she smiles.

"So it's seems you may have some bad blood with mads Lewis, I presume" she reads of the device. "Fans want to know if you knew of each other and what caused the drama"

Nessa goes to speak but stops looking in the crowd spotting Jaden in the front row, which he mouths it's okay. Before winking. She smiles before looking back at Ellen.

"Well I never knew her really. She just so happened to have dated my best friend, Jaden in the past. But no I've never been one to throw around hate or shade. Unless I have to. She just, I don't know never liked me because of me being friends with her ex lover. Who she claimed she still loved." She speaks truthfully trying not to offend anyone.

"Even though I tried to maintain a good relationship with her she never met me halfway. So yes to your question we are not on the best terms with each other. And no I mean no harm to her whatsoever. I'm sure she's a great gal" she shrugs her shoulders.

Nessa looks back at Jaden to see him smile mouthing 'i love you' before winking. She smiles nodding.

After a series of questions, it comes down to the last one. "So it's seems you have recently went public with Jaden Hossler on instagram and twitter. Fans want to know how long you two have been together"

Ellen questions pulling up photos of the two. The crowd awes at the pictures before Nessa responds.

"Well Jaden and I met during summer last year at the gym. Then reconnected through my father since he helped out with Jaden's album, along with my father's drummer" she explains

"But we've grown so close so fast, we first started talking towards the end of summer and became official seven or eight months later, since I was not fully ready to be in a stable and committed relationship. But we announced it a few weeks ago" Ellen nods and Nessa looks back to see Jaden smiling.

"Seems as the boyfriend is here as well, hello Mr Hossler" Jaden chuckles before waving making the crowd aw. Which causes Nessa to blush.


"I did it" Nessa exclaims jumping into Jaden's arms. Jaden catches her small body kissing her. "Yes you did, I'm so proud of you" Nessa smiles hugging her boyfriend before he puts her down.

"Ready to go back to the hotel"

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I just really had to get this interview done.
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