Chapter 1: today just went to sh!t again

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****just want to state that this is completely what I made up****

Rose's POV. (By the way she it 16 right now)

Beep! Beep! Beep! "Urg...." I lift my hand and swipe the bedside table quickly making the alarm clock fall apart on the carpeted floor of my room. (If you are wondering how it fell apart so easily it's because it took a little 2 story bungee jump out the window without the bungee cord.)

"Rose! Get up rose or you will be late for school!" My mum yelled from outside my door.

"Arrrrr!" I groaned rolling of the side of my bed landing on my knees on the carpet. "I'm up woman!"

"Don't you talk to me like that!" She yelled still not daring to come in my room.

"Or what?!" I yelled. I hear her scoff from the other side of the door and then her footsteps as she walked back downstairs.

"Brilliant a day of new people surrounding me and calling me names, I can't fxcking wait!" I mumbled sarcastically to myself. i got dressed and walked downstairs.

"Are you in a better mood now?" My mum says going to every possible length to avoid looking in my eyes while giving me a plate with two slices of buttered toast on it. She is freaked out by my eyes just like everybody else. She's only keeping me because she believes it's a sin to give away your own baby. I know she doesn't like me, if she did she would hug me and tell me she loves me but she doesn't.

"No" I stated starting to eat.

"Rose it's a new school maybe you will make a friend today"

"Ha yeah right, it will be the same sh!t"

"Rose!" She yelled "we do not use that kind of language in this house! God could be listening!" (Did I mention her mum is a MASSIVE believer in god?)

"Well we may not but I do" I said as I finished the last of the toast. "I'm going to school now....bye" I say grabbing my bag and walking out the door.

"Bye!" My mum called happily.

Geez I knew she was keeping me so that she doesn't 'sin' but why is she so happy when I leave? Does she really hate me that much just because of my eyes?

I arrived at school about 10 minutes before first period. "Brilliant.." I sighed "now I got to wait around till the bell" I stood next to the door with one foot firmly on the ground and the other on the wall behind me and my hands in my jackets pockets. I tried to hide my left eye with my hair to make it easier to hide my eyes and once I successfully did that I took out my phone and looked at the time. 9 minutes till the bell. "Hey Father Time can you make this day go any slower I think it's going to fast..." I whispered sarcastically to myself.

"Hey you think times going slow, you should try being me" a voice said from besides me. I didn't look up but judging by the shoes this person was wearing and the not skin tight jeans plus the voice I'm gonna take a guess and say it's a guy. "I'm Scott what's your name?"

"I'm rose" I said still looking down at my feet.

"Hey are you ok? Am I bugging you?" He asked with a worried tone.

"I'm fine and no your not bugging me but it would be better for you if you stopped talking to me"

"Whys that?" He asked stepping a little closer.

I sighed "Because come first lesson everybody is going to pick on me. Like all the others in the other schools iv been to have done before."

He was silent for a few seconds. "So you got bullied too huh?" I nodded. "well I don't care if you get bullied I can't see why they bully you, but I'll stick by you, now can you show me your face?" I looked up into his eyes. He stared into my eyes, I could feel them changing colour every couple of seconds. "Wow your eyes are beautiful! Why do you hide them?"

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