Chapter 5: what are you?

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Rose's POV

I was just walking towards BEN who was sitting on the couch peacefully, before suddenly a guy with a cut in smile on his face and no eyelids pushed me to the floor. "Hey girly who are you?" He asked bringing a knife to my neck.


The guy pushed the knife further into my skin. "why don't we be quiet now, but if you want to scream so much i could make you" he said coming closer to me.

"Scott!" I shout knowing he was just in the bathroom and would come save me. "A little help would be nice!" I yell. A few seconds later Jeff was tackled off of me by Scott.

"Who you her boyfriend?" Jeff laughed.

"Shut up, Rose what's this guys name?!" Scott growled.

"It's Jeff"

"How the fxck do you know?!" Jeff yelled trying to push Scott off him which was clearly not working since Scott is stronger than him. Jeff looked into my eyes properly this time to see that they were changing colour every few seconds. "Wow your one of us? Urg guess I have to apologise." He said scratching the back of his head.

"I know you don't want to do that so how about we just start over, Scott let him up" Scott nodded and got off jeff. Jeff stood up and I walked in front of him. "I'm Rose, I came here 2 or 3 days ago and this is Scott my friend and werewolf."

"You know who I am, what I'm wondering is how?" He asked unable to look away from my eyes.

"Each colour my eyes go to have a different power. I don't know what colour is what power because I never see it. I can control the powers but only for at longest 2 hours after that they just go back to me seeing like a normal person would, but 5 mins later I can use the powers again. by the way what colour are they right now?"

"Yellow, what power is yellow?" He asked

"Yellow must be the colour they go when I'm looking at the persons name and lifespan. Because that's the power I'm using right now."

"Your cool I'll give you that, well see you around I guess" he said as he waved then turnip end around and left.

I walked over to the couch and slapped BEN upside the head. "Ah! What was that for?!" He said clearly p!ssed.

"For not helping me!" I say back just as p!ssed.

"Ha well you have to stick up for yourself I was letting you do just that." he laughed. I shook my head and me and Scott entered the kitchen. Where a girl named clockwork was sitting. She stood up and came over to me.

"So you must be Rose, nice to meet you I'm clockwork" she introduced herself I decided not to tell her I already know her.

"Yes I'm Rose nice to meet you." She turned to Scott he doesn't say anything. "this is Scott"

"Hey Scott aren't you handsome" she smiled but he growled.

"What, Scott what's that for?" I say shocked.

"She has something against you" Scott said not taking his eyes off clockwork.

"Really what? I'm sorry for whatever I did" I say to clockwork.

"It's nothing you did, but Toby likes you, BEN told me. Just know I won't let you be with him" she says all serious.

"He must have it all wrong Toby hates me," I see Toby coming down the stairs. "Watch" I walked up to Toby. "Hi Toby" I smiled.

"Fxck off b!tch" he says before walking past me to go into a room down the hall.

I walked back to clockwork. "See" I laughed.

"Huh I guess BEN did get it wrong, ok we can be actual friends now" she smiled, I smiled back. "Unless you have feelings for him"

"What no! Every time I have talked, yelled at him, he's either been trying to drag me here or trying to kill me because I wouldn't wake up when laughing Jack and puppeteer tried to wake me and it was preventing him from sleeping!" I laughed. "No I don't like him." I reassured her with a smile.

"Ok then" she smiled. Then Freddy jumped out of nowhere right in between me and clockwork.

I screamed and jumped backwards landing on my but then turning and scurrying under the kitchen table. "What the fxck!?" I yelled at him. "I can't deal with jump scares you stupid bear!" I yelled. He clearly took offence to me calling him a stupid bear and he came towards me with a ora that says I'm going to kill you. "You think your tuff bear?! Bring it!" I yell getting out from under the table and standing facing him.

"I don't think you should fight him! He's crazy Rose not even I fight him!" Clockwork says worriedly.

"No this dumb bear is going 6 fxcking feet under!" I yell. Freddy jumps towards me, I avoid his attack by jumping to the side then punching him in the side of the head. He turns to try and punch me but iv already swung for another punch. Our fists both hit each other and it's now a battle of strength, this battle will allow one of us to punch the other, I'm not loosing.

"Come on dumb bear is this all you have?" I grin. He throws his other fist which I catch in my other hand. I squeeze his hand until the room is filled with a snapping sound. Freddy and I look at his hand/paw to see it has been crushed. Freddy becomes shocked as he loosens his strength on the hand that was preventing me from punching him. He gets knocked to the floor. I walk to him when I feel something slither around my waist holding me up off the ground.

"Both of you stop fighting right now" says slender in his intimidating staticky voice.

"He started it!" I yell. Trying to get out of his grip. He just turns me so I'm hanging upside down. "Hey no! Put me the right way up! My bloods gonna rush to my head! I'll get a headach!" He just held me. "You fxcking psychopath!" I hear a chuckle and only then did I realise that all the CreepyPastas within miles where watching me. "What you all looking at?! Go fxck off and carry on with your buisness there is nothing to fxcking see here!" I yell. They all stand there laughing I'm about to say something else when another thing attached to slender covers my mouth.

"Freddy did you start it?" Slender asked. But clockwork spoke.

"Yeah he jump scared her then took offence when she called him a stupid bear" she said.

Slender's shoulders moved as if he was laughing. "Well it looks like he is a stupid bear, for picking a fight with Rose. Freddy BEN will fix your hand."

"I'll what now?!" BEN says shocked. Slender shoots one of his tentacle things but stops only inches away from his head. "I-I mean yes s-sir" BEN stuttered leaving the room with Freddy.

Slender finally put me down on my feet. "Do you want a peace of me now slendy!?" I yell. He shoots a tentacle at me. But I just slap it away "oh so you do!" I yell when I get tangled up in strings and lifted up. "What the hell?" I look and see puppeteer controlling the strings and making me look like a puppet. i relax and smile "haha cool I look like a puppet right now" I giggle. Everybody looked shocked that I changed mood so quickly.

"What are you?" Slender mumbled.

A/N hope you liked this chapter please vote/comment/share and I will see you next chapter.


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