Chapter 10:

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Roses POV

"Hey hey Rose" I heard somebody whisper. I slowly opened my eyes to see Jeff's face right in front of mine.

"5 more minutes" I mumbled hugging Jeff again.

"Rose come on wake up, there's a party here today and we have to help set up" he said.

I covered his mouth with my hand and said "shhhh sleep time isn't over go to sleep..again" I mumbled.

He chuckled. i felt his hand touch my thigh, 'oh that's right I'm wearing pj shorts and vest top, and Jeff's wearing no top...and we are really close-' I gasped and jumped out of bed.

"Don't touch there!" I yell as I step back again only to trip on his hoodie that was lying on the floor. Everything seemed to go in slow motion as it does when u get a shock.

He saw me start to fall backwards and jumped towards me to try and catch me. He couldn't save me by pulling me up i was too far down, so he flipped us so I landed on top of him and he got the impact of the floor. "Oh my gosh Jeff are u ok?!" I panicked.

"Ouch yeah I'm fine are u?" He said sitting up with me still straddling his waist.

"Yeah u took the impact." He smiled which made me feel better as I gave a small smile back to him. I looked at the position we were in and blushed. He also noticed the position. "I'm sorry I'll get off you now" I say.

"Or you could stay where you are it's not doing any harm to me" he chuckled grabbing my waist and holding me in place on his lap. I blushed even more.

"Um what were u talking about, a party or something?" I asked. He shook his head then looked me in the eyes.

"Oh yeah, sorry I spaced out."

"Thinking dirty were you?" I giggled as he blushed. "Wow you were" I blushed. Jeff's face seems to be getting closer as I realise we were both leaning into each other but just before our lips touched, a flash went off.

"Awwww cute" BEN chuckled holding his phone up to show us the photo he just took. I blushed and Jeff looked angry.

"BEN you fxcking asshole!" He yelled, I got off his lap as he stood up and chased BEN. BEN laughed as he jumped through the laptop and disappeared again. "You better not show that to anyone you little midget!" Jeff yelled at the laptop. I giggled.

"He's not that much smaller than me, am I a little midgit?" I giggled while asking.

"No your a girl your allowed to be short" he said turning to face me. I pouted.

"Aww you think I'm small" I said as I hugged my knees hiding my face and pretending to cry.

"No no no don't cry, I didn't mean it like that" he quickly said getting on his knees and hugging me. "I'm sorry."

"Hahaha" I burst out laughing.

"I can't believe you got me to feel bad." He mumbled letting go.

"So cute, so Jeff does have a heart" I smile looking at him.

"Your a twat you know that?" He said trying not to laugh at his stupidity.

"When did I turn into a fish and get more importantly when did I get pregnant?" I laugh. He looks confused. "A twat is another name for a pregnant fish" I laughed. He shook his head as he started to laugh too.

-time skip-

"Slender I'm going to go for a walk before the other CreepyPastas come" I say walking up to slender that was cooking.

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