Chapter 12: wtf?

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Roses POV.

I woke up not feeling warmth, 'oh yeah that's right I cant sleep next to somebody for a whole week.' I sighed and sat up. "Maybe I should go home. I wonder if mum missed me." I mumbled climbing down from the cave and starting to walk towards town.

When I got to my house I knocked on the door and my mum answered her eyes were red as if she had been crying. But when she seen me her smile became large. "Oh Rose! Rose my baby!" She cried as she threw her arms around me in a hug.

"Wha" I said faked aback. "You have never hugged me before" I mumbled as I hugged her back

"And I'm so sorry for not hugging you, it was my mistake. I was a horrible mother" she cried holding me tighter. We walked inside and sat on the couch she was still hugging me.

"I came back because I can't go back to where I was staying for a whole week at least." I said. She looked into my eyes. 'Wtf? She has never looked into my eyes before'

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't a good mother, what good mother doesn't give their child the love they want? None because only bad mothers don't give their child any love what so ever. I'm so so sorry" she cried holding me. I hugged her back I like this hug, this is the first one iv ever got off her.

"It's ok I don't blame you I'm a freak" I said feeling tears in my own eyes.

"No your not! I couldn't see that. The Lord let me have a child that was perfect and that was born with a gift but what did I do? I treat you like you were unwanted, some kind of freak. I'm so sorry. When you dissapeared I panicked, I realised just how mean I was to you, I had given you no love. And I never thought you were going to come back. I swear I'll be a good mother from now on, ok Rose?" She looked up into my eyes while hers still held tears.

"Ok mum" I smiled.

-time skip-

"Rose what would you like for dinner?" Mum asked from the kitchen.

"Mince" I said not moving from my comfortable position on the couch as I continued sowing an outfit. This was my favourite thing to do. Sit and sow. And now my mum joined me.

"The mince is on to cook how's it going?" She asked. I held up my creation it was the skin to what will in the future be stuffed and turned into a plush teddy panther with a red bow collar.

"It's going good I would say" I smiled.

"I didn't know you were so good." Mum smiled looking into my eyes. "I love you don't forget that ok Rose?"

I smiled. "I love you too mum especially now we can do things together." I smiled at her. She hugged me and we continued sowing.

Jeff's POV.

"Dam the party's still going?" I groned.

"Yeah dude what's the matter with you? You normally don't want the party to end" sonic.exe says looking at me. Tails doll, Masky and hoodie also looks at me waiting for my answer.

"Have none of you noticed Rose is gone?" I said a little angry.

"Oh yeah where did she go?" Masky asked.

"If I knew I would be there with her" I say.

"Ooooo you like her" hoodie cooed as Masky sonic and tails laughed.

"And?" I sighed

"What you really do like her and your admitting it?" Hoodie said shocked.

"I'm not sure if I like her completely but I would like her as my girlfriend for a while I guess" I mumbled.

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