Chapter 19: final.

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Roses POV.

Who will it be?

"I-I don't know" I stuttered. "Um...not LJ"

"Aww I kinda guessed" he laughed a bit and walked out the room but not before hugging me, he whispered in my ear. "Helen told Jeff to save you from puppet, and puppet will change if you pick him." he stepped back. "Laters"

"That leaves us, milady" puppeteer evil grinned that scared me a little.

"Um...I- I think I" I started blushing madly. "H-Helen" I said looking down.

"Dam you were right puppet we couldn't get her from Helen" Jeff whispered but because of the way his mouth is cut he can't talk quietly.

"Well see you Rose" puppeteer smiled walking out the room.

"Bye Rose see you around, I'm still your best friend right~" he chuckled kissing me on the cheek as he left.

I blushed. I was all alone with bloody painter now.

"Come here Rose" Helen said quietly, I walked towards him as he stood up from the bed.

"W-what?" I blushed.

His hand slowly came to my cheek and his face came nearer to mine. His lips gently touched mine but I wanted more, unlike the other kisses, I wanted more. I deepened the kiss. He seemed a little shocked but still went with it. His tongue licked my bottom lip and I opened my mouth a little. It again felt weird having it in my mouth but I got used to it. We slowly pulled apart, with a string of saliva connecting our mouths.

"Rose thanks for picking me." He smiled. "I'll keep you safe tomorrow." He said, I smiled.

"We c-could die tomorrow, couldn't we?" I asked.

"I'm not going to let you die" he said looking into my eyes. "I'm not going to die either."

I smiled a little but then fear took over me. I..I don't want to die having this fear. "Helen"

"Yeah?" He said looking down into my eyes still.

"I don't want to die having the fear know." I blushed.

"Your not going to die, I told you." He smiled. "Is what your trying to say is you are ready?" His smile widened.

I couldn't talk, I was blushing so hard, I just nodded.

"Lay back on the bed" Helen smiled. I did what he said, his smile didn't scare me as he hung over me. "Don't be scared, I won't hurt you" he whispered as he kissed me heavily again.

-time skip-

I woke up before Helen, as I looked over at him I seen he was naked and what happened last night came back to me. I lost it, my fear iv lost it. I realised Helen is lying on his front with one of his arms holding me while he other was under the pillow to make it higher.

Suddenly BEN burst in the room. "Hey hey hey! Wake up! It's my job to wake you all up!" He yelled.

"BEN get out!" Helen yelled.

"Awwww why don't want me to see your girl~?" BEN teased. "I know what you two did~"

"Out!" Helen yelled throwing a pillow at him.

"Oooo can I take these?~" BEN asked picking up my underwear.

"Whatever BEN just get out!" Helen yelled at him. BEN ran out the room smiling holding my underwear in hand.

"Why did you let him take them?" I asked looking at him. He opened the draw on his side of the bed and pulled out some underwear that were mine. "How did you?"

"It's your room, your dad and Zalgo put some of your things in here" he smiled. "So how do you feel?" He asked.

"Really good." I smiled. He smiled too then kissed me again. "We should get up, remember we have to fight today." I said as we pulled apart.

"Yeah your right." He said standing up from the bed. I got to see in the light just what was inside me last night and all his lean muscles, I blushed. "You can't be serious right now" Helen laughed. "All this," he gestured to his body "it's all yours" he laughed.

-time skip-on the battlefield-

We were al standing in front of slender's group. "They all look really strong." I whispered to Helen.

"Don't worry". He smiled. "We are winning this"

"Slender why do you wish to do this!?" Zalgo and his strong voice asked across the battlefield.

"I want to be king of them all, your stupid rules have gone on long enuf!" Slender yelled in his static voice.

Slender's army came towards us and we ran towards them. I felt my eyes change. There were trees all over the battlefield but that's not the power I was using. It would be to predictable. My grim reaper weapon appeared in my hands again and I went for jumpscare group. Everybody agreed I got to kill the group of annoying little fxcking animatronics.

One after the other I swung my weapon cutting threw their metal exoskeleton, this continued until I came to spring trap.

"It's not going to be that easy, b!tch" he said as he ran towards me. I ducked and tripped him, he fell head first then as I was about to bring my weapon down, slenderman grabbed me in one of his tendrils.

"Haha die Rose" he said as he started trying to pull my body in two but bloody painter cut it and I dropped into his arms. He put me down and we both looked at slender. "Why you little!" Slender yelled throwing his tendrils at us both.

I cut both of them then I saw my weapon start to have a black flame around it "your going to hell forever!" I yelled as I jumped and brung my weapon down slicing slender In two. "You don't even deserve to see a black Rose before you die. I guess you will just have to do with seeing me." I growled as he went lifeless.

I looked around, everybody was staring at me. "What?" I asked. Zalgo walked up to me.

"You killed him forever, nobody's ever had that much power, they are all beaten and are retreating since their leader has fallen." He smiled. Trenderman walked up to us.

"I will take care of slender's group" Trenderman said stepping up. "I never liked his idea to change the rules. So don't worry this won't happen again" Trenderman said as he followed the others.

"Yep your my daughter alright" dad laughed coming up to me.

"Did you doubt it?" I laughed.

"Not for a second." He laughed.

Helen ran up to me and hugged me, so did Jeff and BEN. Then the others all joined in. Sally, clockwork, Zalgo, death, sonic.exe, tails, all of them.

-time skip-

"Woo party!" BEN yelled while bouncing up and down, he was the DJ. Me, Helen, Jeff, clockwork and Toby were all dancing together.

"This party I like" I smiled realising me and clockwork said that at the same time.

"Rose-work is back!" Sally yelled laughing.

A/N awwww it's a happy ending, I'm going to make this book completed but if you want me to write the lemon I skipped just comment telling me to.

Hope you enjoyed. Next book I'm writing is going to be a BEN drowned romance.


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