Chapter 8: Rose-work.

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Rose's POV

After talking to Jeff in the hallway I made my way down to the dining room where I found clockwork. "Hi" she said then smiled. I smiled too "what you doing today?" She asked.

"Nothing much, why?"

"Well me, Sally and Jane were going to make cupcakes for everyone, do you want to help?"

"Sure" I smiled.

"Clockwork!" I heard somebody yell. Then a big clash was heard.

We ran to the kitchen where we seen Sally, face down trapped under the oven door. She had tears in her eyes but was trying to keep them from falling. Me and clockwork dropped to our knees next to her. We helped her up then both hugged her at the same time. "It's ok now, we are here" me and clockwork said at the same time.

After 2 minutes Sally let go of us and we all stood up. "What happened?" Me and clockwork asked.

"Ok you two have got to stop saying things at the same time." Sally giggled. "And I tried to open the oven so that I could get the tray out for our cupcakes to go on" she said.

"You could have just asked me" clockwork said in a soft voice. "Where did Jane go?"

"Jeff, came in and did something to her while my back was to them, I'm not sure what he did but Jane was red as she chased him out the house trying to stab him" Sally explained giggling.

Me and clockwork giggled with her. "Let's hope Jane gets him" me and clockwork said again at the same time.

"Ok Should I call you Clock-rose or Rose-work from now on?" Sally giggled.

"I quite like the second one" me and clockwork laughed together.

-time skip-

"Rose-work! The cupcakes are done!" Sally yelled walking up to us and pulling us up from the settee where we were watching TV.

"Are they? Good let's get them out now, then shall we" me and clockwork said as we walked into the kitchen. Clockwork got the cupcakes out the oven as I got the eatable decorations to put on them and Sally got her stool back to the bench so she could decorate the cupcakes too.

Slender walked in. "Did u shout Rose-work, Sally?" He asked.

"Yes because these too have been saying the same thing at the same time since this morning. So that's there new name." Sally laughed.

So did slender. "Alright Sally, what you girls making?"

"Cupcakes!" Sally said holding up a cupcake. "But they aren't done yet so u have to leave, the backers are at work!" She said placing the cupcake down and going to push slender out the room.

"Ok see you later Sally," he then looked at us. We could tell he was smirking. "See you later Rose-work"

"Oh hell no only Sally can call us that! It's not cute if you say it!" We yelled. He laughed while leaving the kitchen. Sally came back and got back on her stool.

"Ok distraction is over how do you spell puppeteer?" She says picking up her cupcake and a little icing pen. Me an clockwork smiled.

-time skip-

It's now about 10 o clock at night but I can't sleep. I want somebody to hug me while I sleep again. But Scott's already asleep. Who could I go to? I wouldn't go to Sally or Jane or clockwork because I want a boys hug so I feel safe again. I sound really wimpy right now, but I'm a girl that gets emotional at us time of month so it's fine to act wimpy.

I got out of bed then walked to puppeteers room and listened through the door. "Dam he's asleep" I whisper going down the hall. "But everybody is out except for the Freddy group, Jane, Sally, clockwork, me, Scott and T-" I stopped. I was in front of Toby's room.

'No what am I thinking I can't ask him, he will most likely say 'fxck off' or call me a wimp.' I look at his door again. 'I'll ask then if he makes fun of me I'll use my power that erases memory's so he doesn't remember I asked.' I smiled then listened. he's awake.

I knocked on the door. "Who is it?" He called.

"It's me Rose" I sounded like he fell off the bed then I heard some rummaging around 'is he ok in there?' I thought. About 2 minutes later he opened the door.

"H-hey w-what are you doing h-here?" He asked.

"Um c.....could....I um..."

"I need w-words in order to u-understand" he twitched.

I blushed. "C-could I.....I stay in your bed with you tonight, p-please?"

He looked shocked. "Why?" Was all he said.

"Because I like b-being hugged while going to s-sleep and I don't wanna wake Scott up and-"


I looked up confused "what?"

"I said o-ok you can stay with me" I didn't know what to say. He opened the door wider to allow me inside.

"T-thanks" I say walking in. We both lie down on the bed and he wraps his arms around me. "Good night, Toby" I say closing my eyes.

"Night" was all he said before I was asleep in the warmth of his arms.

Toby's POV

'OMG she came to me! She's in my arms right now! I can't believe Scott was the first to sleep with her in his arms, that really bugs me. But I was a d!ck to her so why did she come to me? Whatever the reason I'm happy but can she really not sleep without somebody holding her? Dam I hope she always comes to me.' I thought as I looked down and watched her sleep for a while before I fell asleep too.

A/N ok so because nobody told me who they want to end up with her in the end, I MIGHT, I might make it Toby who gets her. MIGHT.

Anyways vote/comment/share I'll see you all next chapter.


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