Chapter 13: 24/7 protection

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A/N pic is of Helen, he's also known as Bloody Painter his story is amazing if you haven't heard it yet go read it.

Roses POV

It's been a week since the party started and Jeff still hasn't came. Has he forgotten about me? I have to find out. "Mum I'm going out!" I yelled walking out the door then running to the woods.

I slowed down and started sneaking up to the mansion, and looked through the window. I saw slender arguing with a big dude called Zalgo.

"I want to meet this new creepypasta now!" Zalgo yelled.

"You can't she left until the party ends you idiot!" Slender yelled back.

I stepped back and stepped on a twig causing it to snap. Both slender and Zalgo stopped fighting their full attention on me through the window. I stood there and waved at them. "H-hey guys h-how's it going?" I said as slender teleported outside then teleported us both back inside.

"This?" Zalgo says pointing to me. "This is the new creepypasta?" He started laughing. "Why this is just a small girl, what could she possibly do?" He laughed.

"Hey-" Freddy put his hand over my mouth to stop me from talking. 'get off me bear!' I yelled in my head trying to get out of his grip. His paw was so big I couldn't see anything meaning I couldn't use my powers.

"Freddy let her go" Zalgo laughed. freddy let go and stepped back.

"Your dead bear!" I yelled turning and going to pounce on him but I felt Zalgo catch me and turn me around to face him. "Yes Zalgo is this more important than me killing him because if not I'm I bit busy trying to kill him" I smiled then tried to turn around to kill Freddy.

"I'm Zalgo ruler of all CreepyPastas and you dare talk to me like that" he said anger in his voice.

"And I am Rose Black, nice to meet ya, now let go!" I said trying to match his tone.

"Rose Black? that name rings a bell, but where have I heard it before?" He says quietly. His hold on my loosens. As soon as I get loose I feel a power it felt weekend than my other powers. My hand raised into the air as a grim reaper weapon appeared in my hand. "Your Grims daughter" Zalgo whispered but I ignored him and swung the weapon at Freddy. Chica jumped out of nowhere and I jumped back running to hide behind Zalgo.

"Fxcking jump scares! Why you do this?!" I yelled peering out from behind Zalgo.

"I'm coming back slender this isn't over, since I know know who she is." Zalgo smiled then left.

"Well he's scary looking" I said as I turned to slender.

"You are not to be alone" slender worried voice said.


"Just don't be alone at all. Yes that means the bathroom too." He says.

"What? No way I'm not letting somebody see me in the shower!" I yell crossing my arms over my chest.

"It's for your own sake!" He yells. I back up a bit but nod.

"Alright fine, who?" I asked.

"Who are you closest to that isn't your mum, she's human and won't be able to protect you for two seconds against him"

"But that would mean Jeff or Helen?" I said looking at him questionably.

"Helen! Jeff!" he yelled. I only now looked around. It looked like everybody passed out, they are all lying in strange positions.

"Huh?" They both asked sitting up and rubbing their head.

"Not so loud, I have a headach" Jeff groaned.

"You two are to look after Rose 24/7. Zalgo is after her." Slender says.

"But we can't follow her in the bathroom or her room while she's changing that's a girls private time." Helen says.

"7 days a week, 24 hours a day, 60 seconds a minute. You have to watch her EVERY second. Or he will get her, do you want that?" Slender asked in a threatening voice.

"No sir" both Jeff and Helen say standing up.

"Rose don't suppose your tired because I need sleep" Jeff says lying his head on my shoulder.

"Sure" I say.

"Brilliant, come on Helen my room" Jeff says dragging Helen and me up to his room.

Jeff face plants the bed and starts snoring straight away. Helen turns to me. "Why did you pick us?" He asked.

"Well I couldn't say Scott because Jane might get annoyed about me. Having to be around him all the time. I don't know Jeff and you seemed to be the best options, are you annoyed I could ask somebody else if you don't want to?" I said.

"No no it's fine, just what about when you want to go to the bathroom we would have to come in and make sure Zalgo doesn't appear, I was just wondering why you didn't pick a girl" Helen says sitting down on the bed next to Jeff's foot.

I sat down next to him on the side not occupied by Jeff's foot.

"Jane I haven't talked to much, clockwork I didn't want to get in e way of her and Toby, Sally is just little and I don't want her to get hurt. By the way where did Sally go during the party?"

"She turns into a 18 year old, weird sh!t, continue" he says trying to get me to talk again.

"Chica and Bonnie scare the sh!t out of me when they jump scare and they don't talk, I wanted somebody who could talk to me." I smiled looking at him. He nodded then pulled out a sketch pad from his bag and a pencil then he started to draw. "What epare you drawing?" I asked.

"Not much" he answered. I stayed quiet and tried to sneak a peek but he tilted the sketch pad towards his chest so I couldn't see.

After a while I lay down and fell asleep next to the passed out Jeff, while Helen kept drawing.

-time skip-

I felt a hand on my thigh. I jumped up and knocked Helen on the floor in the process. "Which one of you touched my leg?!" I yelled backing up.

"Wha- calm down" Helen said in a soothing voice as he stood and walked towards me. "Calm down Jeff is asleep, look at him. He didn't mean it" Helen wrapped his arms around me as he held me close. I hugged back. "I know your weakness Rose" he whispered in my ear.

"H-how?" I whispered.

"You hate jump scares, that you make perfectly clear" he chuckles. "But also your scared of se-"

"No no no don't say it!" I panicked.

"Ok I'm sorry I won't say it, but I know your scared of that because of how you reacted when you were in the closet with BEN." I started shaking remembering it. "Shhh it's ok me and Jeff is hear with you, well I bet Jeff wouldn't wake up right now even if somebody shot him but I'm hear with you there's no need to be scared." He said is his soothing voice as he held me close.

I looked at the clock to see it was 8:00am "I want to go in the shower, but it will be awkward" I blushed hiding my face in Helens chest.

He sighed. "I can almost be 100% sure it will be harder for me and Jeff than it will be for you" he mumbled. "It will be fine let's wake Jeff" he let's go of me and goes to wake Jeff.

To be continued

A/N not really a cliffhanger so you can't go mad at me but yeah, anyways hope you enjoyed


See you all next chapter


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