Chapter 15: he comes

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A/N nobody commented so, I'm not writing a lemon yet.

Roses POV

'No I can't do this!' I thought as I struggled out of their grip. "No!" I yelled running out the door, down the stairs and to the lake, alone. 'They didn't even fxcking follow me? Dam they don't like me for me but just for my body, don't they?' I started crying as I sat at the lakes edge looking across at the waterfall.

"Why all alone?" A voice asked. I looked up and seen Zalgo. I gasped and backed away a little.

"Wha-what are you here for? T-this is m-my place, please leave" I said looking at him. He chuckled.

"Mind if I talk to you a little bit?" He asked. I nodded and he sat down crossed legged besides me. "Ok first off, are you ok?" He said with a concerned voice as he wiped the tears from my eyes with a napkin that he pulled out of nowhere, I don't see pockets on this guy where did he keep that? Never mind.

I hung my head looking a my lap. "It's nothing"

"They scared you didn't they?" I looked up at him.

"How did you know?"

"I heard slender saying you needed 24/7 protection and kinda knew it wouldn't be a girl you chose to be your protecter. So who did you pick?" He asked looking unto my eyes.

"Helen and Jeff" I mumbled.

"Ahh them two idiots." He chuckled. "Let me guess tryed to sleep with you even though they knew your scared of it?" I nodded. "Though so. Don't worry." He smiled at me. "I can take you somewhere, come on take my hand"

I took his hand and he helped me stand up. Then a fire surrounded us, but it didn't hurt. The flames got thicker until I couldn't see through them anymore. When the flames died down and I could see through them again, I could see we weren't at the lake anymore. We were inside a mansion but it was warmer than slender's mansion, much warmer.

"Wow it's hot in here" I say.

"Oh yeah do you want something else to wear?" Zalgo asked pulling me into a room that had a sowing machine and different materials laying around on different desks. "Shadow?! Show yourself!" He ordered. A shadow rose off the ground and formed a body shape then turned into a person with black clothes, hair and eyes but his skin was pure white.

"Yes sir, what can I do for you?" Shadow asked bowing then standing straight again.

"I need you to make some shorts and a short top for Rose here, she's not used to the heat."

"Yes sir right away. Rose please step over here so I can take measurements" I nodded as I walked to shadow. He started taking measurements of my chest size, and hips. "Ok it will be done soon please take a seat." Shadow said motioning me to sit on the couch Zalgo was on. I sat down besides Zalgo.

"Shadow is a famous clothes designer here in the underworld" Zalgo said looking at me.

"The underworld!? Did I die?! Did you kill me?!" I panicked.

"No no no" he chuckled. "Your very much alive, I am king of the CreepyPastas but since CreepyPastas aren't exactly angels and I don't like being around them all that much. I stay in the underworld."

"Oh why did you bring me here?"

"To meet somebody."

"Who?" I asked tilting my head.

"Miss Rose your top and shorts are ready" shadow said handing me a red top that will show my belly and some black denim short shorts. "You may change in the changing room" he said motioning for me to go behind the curtain that I have just noticed was there.

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