Chapter 7:

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Roses POV

I woke up to movement on the bed. Huh? I opened my eyes a little bit and seen Scott still asleep snuggling closer to me. "Awwwww you must be cold" I smiled and hugged him close. His arms snaked around my waist as he lay still again. I listened to his soft breathing while stroking his hair for a little while until he woke up and realised I was hugging him.

He blushed. "Um why are you hugging me?"

"You were cold, so I hugged you to warm you up. Are you warm?" I smile looking into his eyes.

"Y-yes I have to g-go to the bathroom" he says getting up from the bed. I caught a glimpse of why he had to go to the bathroom.

'Did I make him get like that just by hugging him?' I thought. 'Ill do it all the more' I smile.

I turned around and guess who in seen jump from the corner of the room at me.

Fxcking Mangle.

I screamed and ran out the room. A little way down the hall I bumped into somebody while looking behind to see if Mangle was following and landed on top of them on the floor. "I'm sorry, are you ok?!" I ask quickly.

"Well hello there we meet again" Jeff laughs. "But I believe this time it's the other way around. Your holding me down" he chuckled.

"Oh sh!t sorry I didn't notice" I say getting off of him and helping him up.

"So what's got you so scared?" He asked.

"Fxcking jump scare group"

he laughs. "Yep they do that. But after yesterday they should have stopped scaring you. I wonder if somebody has asked them to Jump scare you?"

"I don't know but I'm gonna be a thin as fxck corps if they don't stop"

"You run each time huh?" I nodded. He seemed to look behind me at something. I turned around and looked but saw nothing.

"Jeff?" I ask confused.

"Oh it's nothing I'll see you around" he says walking in the direction he was looking.

Jeff's POV

As I turned the corner I seen Toby sitting on floor, his cheeks were red. "What's up with you?"

"N-nothing" he replied not looking up at me.

"Oh really? look at me." He kept looking down. "I said look at me dam it!" I yell. He looks up and I see lust in his eyes. "Oh Zalgo you like her screams" I say looking at him.

"You-You c-can't tell anyone!" He says standing up.

Let's see just how much he likes her. "Close your eyes a minute"

"Why?" He asked with a I'm,don't,trust,you look in his eyes.

"Just do it" I growl. He closed his eyes. "Ok imagine your lying on your back on your bed with your eyes closed"

"Where are you going with this?" He asked with his eyes still closed.

"Just do it or I'll tell everybody" he shut his mouth. "Ok now picture somebody running into the room right after they screamed" he nodded. "Now that person you thought of was Rose wasn't it?" I smile.

"Y-yes" he says twitching.

"Ok now what about if she came up to you and got above you hugging you like she did with puppeteer when she was scared." I looked down to see his pants tighten.

"Jeff I can't do this anymore" he says opening his eyes and looking at me.

"And is that why?" I ask pointing to his pants. He nodded. "Well I just proved you like her screams"

"Yes ok?! I like her screams! They turn me on! You happy you know this now?!" He growls at me blushing like mad.

"Yes" I smiled. He was about to walk away when I said "what if somebody else got to her first?" He stopped and looked at me. "Would you like hearing her 'other' screams if your not the one making her?"

"Of coarse I wouldn't."

"Then you have a lot of competition" I say. His head shot up and he looked into my eyes.

"Who?!" He growled. "How much exactly?!"

"Me, Scott, Slender, BEN, I'm pretty sure laughing Jack and puppeteer like her too." He looked at me shocked. "Actually I think we may get more competition too because so far every boy that has seen and talked to her has liked her."

"Puppeteer or Scott is gonna win this war" Toby sighed.

"Not if we can change it" I smiled. "Good luck to you buddy, let's swear that whoever gets her still stays friends with the other, promise?" I said holding up my fist to bro fist him.

"Promise" he says bringing his fist to mine.

"See ya later, and I think you actually need to talk to her to get her to like you, I mean I'm not a love expert but I think trying to boss her around (A/N like when Toby first brought her here), kill her and yelling at her doesn't work so well." I laugh walking away.

"Wait how did you know I tried to kill her and boss her around!?" Toby yells as I walk away down the hall.

"It's a secret buddy" I laughed as I turned and walked into my room.

A/N hope you enjoyed please vote/comment/share and I'll see you next chapter.


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