Chapter 6:

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Rose's POV.

After puppeteer put me back down I looked to see many other CreepyPastas staring at me. "What?" I ask. Clockwork comes up to me from behind and pats me on the back.

"I have never seen somebody pick a fight with slender before" she laughed, clearly she just got out of shock before the rest. "Your ok Rose, and by the way they are all looking at you because one they are shocked that you could take Freddy on, two they are shocked you were willing to go for slender and three they weren't sure about you staying until now."

"You mean they didn't think I could be a creepypasta until now?" I asked.

"Yep, but now they know you will make a great creepypasta." She smiled.

"Are you's all just gonna stand there and stare all day?!" I yell at them seeing as nobody has moved yet.

Slender spoke up. "Follow me Rose, alone. Scott you stay here." Scott shook his head.

"I don't follow your orders" he said, with an angered look on his face.

Slender shot a tentacle at him but I quickly jumped in front of Scott and caught it. "Will you stop attacking people?! U thought I was bad your worse!" I yelled.

"Fine Scott can come, just follow me" slender said turning around. Me and Scott followed. We walked outside then slender disappeared.

"Scott get inside" I say

"What? why?" He asked "I'm not leaving you if your gonna get hurt."

"Watch from the window, I'll be fine, he's gonna attack"


"I don't have time for this go inside, he wants to get back at me for making him look weak but hasn't realised this will make him look weaker!" I yelled at him getting impatient.

Scott nodded then ran in the house. I watched as he appeared at the window with some of the other CreepyPastas.

"Alright slender, come out, come out wherever you are!" I call out. "No reply, figures" I felt me eyes change to a new colour, 'I haven't felt this power before. I haven't used it before.' I felt something making me look at one of the trees. There was slender. "Oh finally showed up did you?!" I asked. There was a static noise in my head that seemed to get louder. 'So that's what you do.' I grinned, ok sh!t just got real.

I moved my arm only to realise that when I did the trees behind me grew razor sharp points on them, when I pointed my arm at slender, he spicks shot towards him. The static noise wasn't in my head anymore. 'Holy sh!t this power makes me able to control trees! Is it just trees?' I thought as I tried my power on a yellow flower that was on the ground (a buttercup).

It grew bigger from under my raising me up into the air where I stepped off in order to stand on the tree I was using to fight. Slender stood on a tree across from me. "Not coming closer slender?!" I asked laughing. He suddenly teleported next to me and pushed me off the tree branch. 'Ha seen it coming' I thought as I controlled the buttercup to catch me. 'so soft,that is it after this is over I'm making a buttercup bed this is so comfy' I smiled lying in flower.

Slender appeared on the flower next to me 'oh yeah I'm fighting you right now aren't i' I controlled the tree to shoot at slender again. The spike hit his chest then curled around his body to not allow him to be able to un-impale himself. "So are you giving up yet slender?" I ask.

"Yes child, you win" he admits. All the CreepyPastas and Scott run out then come up to me.

"Wow nobody has ever beat slender" Sally smiled up at me. "My names Sally, do you want to play?"

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