Chapter 17

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Roses POV

I woke up before Jeff and Helen did, it's still dark outside so I decided to walk down to the lake and watch the firefly's dance around the water. A small fish jumped out of the water and caught a firefly in its mouth then dived back down again. "haha that looks like fun" I smiled. Suddenly I started to feel a power I haven't felt since I was a baby. It was telling me to think of an animal, so I thought of my favourite aquatic animal. A turtle.

I felt funny so I looked at my hand only to see the fingers disappearing. 'Oh sh!t I'm gonna turn into a turtle aren't i?' I thought as the transformation continued.

I stood on all fours and tried taking a step. "Wow my legs really heavy, I can hardly lift it. Must be why they are slow on land" I said. "Awesome I can still talk human" I smiled a bit then went towards the water. I took a deep breath, holding it I stepped into the water then dived down and started swimming.

'I feel so fast!' I laughed in my head. As I swam past some fish. 'Hi fishies' I thought waving at them a little. I started to loose my breath so I went back to the surface of the water only to see Helen and Jeff shouting out my name.

Helen's POV

"Rose! Where did she go? Jeff this has to be your fault!" I said.

"My fault what did I do?!" He yelled.

"I don't know, but I have to blame somebody don't i?!" I yelled back at him. Me and Jeff were about to pounce at each other.

"Hey guys"

"Rose?" I asked


"Where are you?" Jeff asked.

"Here in the water" she answered.

We looked down and seen a turtle come out from the lake and stand looking up at us. "How..The hell did you turn into a turtle?" I mumbled.

"Another power, it's useless because I can only turn into small animals but it kept me happy when I was a baby and still keeps me happy, I totally forgot about it until now when I wished I could jump out of the water like the fish did. Which reminds me, I'll be back in two" she says walking back into the water.

Me and Jeff sit down and watch the water until suddenly Rose jumped out of the water doing a little twist then diving back in again. Me and Jeff started clapping as she did jump after jump.

-time skip-

Rose finally got out of the water and was soaked. Jeff told her to take her wet clothes off and put his hoodie on so she did. It's huge on her and makes her look super cute but she wants to go back to the mansion to get dry clothes so that's where we are going.

Roses POV

We were walking back to the mansion when we saw laughing Jack, offenderman and puppeteer fighting up ahead. Puppeteer looked up and spotted me. He dropped offender on the ground and kicked laughing Jack in the stomach making him fall to his knees.

"Aha hey there pretty lady" puppeteer said walking towards me with a smile. I looked behind him at L.J and offender then looked at puppeteer with a what,the,hell kind of look on my face. "Oh the fight? Don't worry it wasn't me who caused it."

"Yes it fxcking was!" Offender yelled while standing up.

"I would never, I'm a gentleman" puppeteer said pretending to be hurt, but he forgot to hide his grin.

"Gentleman my ass!" L.J yelled.

"I don't swing that way L.J" puppeteer laughed.

"Why u little!" L.J pounced towards puppeteer but puppeteer used his strings to tie him up.

"I'm so sorry about this Rose, he just can't stop trying to hug me" pupetteer laughed looking at me. "Why do you have Jeff's hoodie on?" He asked.

"I'm gonna sound crazy but, I turned into a turtle and went swimming" I said.

"Ah..ha" puppeteer said staring at me as if I was crazy. " how about me and you hang out later, give these two a brake huh?" He asked. Suddenly he was pulled up in the air by a p!ssed off offenderman "dude you killed the mood!"

"There was no mood you asshole!" They started yelling at each other again. Puppeteer dropped L.J and he landed on his head.

"Ow" L.J said rubbing his head.

"Want to come back to the mansion with us?" Helen asked.

"Sure, anything to get away from that asshole" L.J said, I held out my hand and helped him up. "Why thank you my little Rose~" he smiled. Jeff growled at him but L.J just smirked at him.

-time skip-

Once we got back to the mansion I changed into some jeans and a tank too then me laughing Jack, Jeff and Helen watched 'a million ways to die in the west'. But I ended up lying on L.J's shoulder as I fell asleep.

Jeff's POV

"L.J she's not your little Rose" I said angrily at him.

"She's not yours either" he laughed.

"Will you guys stop it? she's sleeping" Helen whispered.

"We won't wake her up" I said.

Helen picked up Rose and lay her on his lap. Me and L.J growled at him.

"What I'm not going to jump into a fight anytime soon like you too" he said.

"She's not yours either Helen" L.J spoke.

"I kissed her last so she's more mine than yours" he smirked.

"You piece of sh!t, hell no she's not more yours, you just kissed her, I however made out with her" I whisper yelled.

"Wait you both kissed her?" L.J asked. We nodded. "I wanna kiss her now" he wined. Helen stood up from the couch and took Rose with him in his arms.

"No, she was awake and didn't mind when we kissed her, she's asleep right now" Helen said.

"Well wake her up" L.J stated.

"No! don't be so heartless" Helen yelled.

"Helen where did Rose go?" I asked looking at him.

"Huh?" He looked down and she was no longer there. "What but I just had her?!"

"Do you think she can teleport in her sleep?" L.J asked.

We shrugged.

Puppeteers POV.

"Those idiots didn't even see me take you" I chuckled, as I lay Rose on my bed to sleep. I created a puppet and sent it downstairs to tell the idiots to be quiet and that I was watching Rose tonight. Then I got into bed next to Rose and went to sleep holding her.

A/N so far the people who she might end up with are:
Laughing Jack (L.J)
Bloody Painter (Helen)

Comment telling me if u like the story and who is your favourite creepypasta in my book. I would like to know what u think of my story.

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