Chapter 3: mad house

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Rose's POV

As we were walking through the woods I heard a tummy growl coming from Scott "OMG Scott I forgot to let you eat her!" I shout. I quickly look around changing my eye colour again so I have hawk vision, seeing a black rabbit about a mile ahead of us I turned to Scott. "There is a black rabbit a mile that way." I pointed in the direction. "Go get it then come back, ok?" Scott nodded his head and took off.

I turned to Masky, Hoodie and Toby. "I'm not going further until Scott gets back" I say sitting down on the ground.

"I will drag you there" Toby says.

"I'm not moving" I say stubbornly.

Toby came over and grabbed my arm. "Move b!tch" he said angrily. I noticed Masky and Hoodie sitting down just watching us. "Guys make her move!" Toby yelled at them.

"It's clear that you nor us are moving her, until Scott gets back" Masky laughed. Toby growled then sat down.

A few minutes later Scott came back. "You full now Scott?" I asked. He looked down and turned back into a fully clothed human again.

"I'm not full but it's better" he smiled.

"Good he's back can we go now?!" Toby said impatiently. Masky nodded and we continued walking.

"It's too quiet" I whisper to Scott.

"What you want me to do about it?" He replied laughing a little.

"Im gonna sing" he looked at me shocked.

"Your in the middle of a creepy woods late at night, with 3 killers and wear wolf and your gonna sing?" He asked.

"Yep" I smiled then started to sing 'if I had you' by Adam lambert.

"So I got my boots on got the right 'mount of leather, and I'm doing me up with a black couloir liner, an am working my strut but I know it don't matter all we need in this world is some love...there's a thin line between the dark side and the light side, baby tonight. It's a struggle gotta rumble till you fiiiiind it, BUT IF I HAD YOU! That would be the only thing I ever need, yeah if I had you, then money fame and fortune never could compete, if I had you life would be a party In the exti-" Toby cut me off.

"Will you shut the fxck up?!" He yelled.

"Oh come on I'm not a bad singer and you aren't entertaining me so I'm having to entertain myself. Also it's my favourite song so don't dis it!" I yelled. Toby glared at me.

"Will you both shut up!" Hoodie yelled. Me Toby and Scott went wide eyed, I'm not sure if Masky did because I can't see his eyes Much because of his mask. He started walking again and we all followed, in silence.

A little while later we came to a mansion. "Cool" me and Scott said at the same time.

We all walked up to the door when a puppet guy dropped down, I jumped back not expecting him to just drop down like that. "Oh who's the girl?" He asked as his eyes open in wonder.

"I'm Rose, Rose Black" I smiled at him.

"What a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl, I'm puppeteer, nice to meet you."he smiled as he got down and stood on the ground properly.

"Move puppet we need to see slender." Toby said pushing him out the way.

"Until we meet again" puppeteer said as he kissed my forehead and walked away.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"He's nice to every girl that comes here, but if no girls are around he's a d!ck." Masky says walking inside the house. When we were inside I looked up at the ceiling only to see a mangled metal animal looking back at me.

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