Chapter 14: the shower.

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Bloody painter's POV

"Jeff wake up!" I say shaking him awake.

"I'm up" he mumbled

"Clearly, get up Rose wants to go in the shower and we have to be in the room with her" I whisper so only he hears.

"I'm up!" He yells jumping up out of bed and walking to Rose. "Let's go" he smiled as he lead the way to the bathroom.

"Why do you want to go so badly?" Rose asked. I hid my smile with my hand and continued to follow them into the bathroom.

"Just want it over with so I can go back to sleep" Jeff said, it was clear to me that he was lying.

I locked the door as Rose turned on the shower. "Ok turn around you too and look at the wall, I'll tell you when it's safe to stop looking at the wall" Rose demanded blushing like mad. Me and Jeff turned to face the wall. "Ok you can turn around now" Rose says from behind the curtain. We have one of them bath showers not just a shower on its own.

"Rose?" Jeff said in his normal talking voice. No reply.

"She can't hear you over the shower" I say.

"Perfect" Jeff smiled as he went to the curtain edge that Rose should have her back too right now, slightly pulling the curtain back a bit Jeff's 'little friend' got bigger.

"Jeff what the fxck are you doing?!" I whisper yelled.

"She's beautiful, look dude" he says pulling me so I can peep around the curtain too. I felt my pants getting tighter as I saw her slim body and smooth skin. I pulled back and leaned against the wall she told us to look at. "I told you" laughed Jeff from beside me. "I want to see her front too but she would see us" Jeff sighed.

"We shouldn't have seen that much dude, be grateful." I whispered.

"Yeah I guess" Jeff placed a hand over his 'little friend' and blushed. "I hope this disappears before she gets out or she will freak." He whispered. "Let's hope yours does too" he laughed.

"Shut up!" I whisper yelled.

"Guys? Why are you being so quiet?" Rose asks from the other side of the curtain.

"No reason" I say loud enuf for her to hear.

Roses POV

'It's too quiet' I thought to myself as I started to think of a song to sing. I wanted to sing 'Rebel Yell' by black veil brides but I don't think that's the best idea considering to guys that like me are in the room. So I stayed silent, singing the song in my head, it still lead to dancing though.

I heard a chuckle and I turned around quickly to see the curtain moving a the side a bit. "Was one of you peeping!?" I yelled.

"No!" They both yelled.

"You so both were!" I yelled blushing. "Pass me a towel I'm done in here now" I said blushing. Helen passed a towel around the curtain and I quickly grabbed it. Turning off the shower I wrapped the towel around my body and stepped out of the shower. "I can't believe you watched me" I blushed looking at them trying sound angry. My eyes widened as I accidentally looked down. "You- you both have....." I quickly ran out the door into Jeff's room. Locking the door behind me. I heard them knocking on the door.o

"Rose?! Rose let us in!" Jeff said loudly though the door.

"Promise me you won't do-" Helen cut me off

"Of coarse we won't, not unless you wanted us too" I slowly stood up and unlocked the door. Helen came in and handed my clothes I left in the bathroom to me. "We won't but you might have to witness or hear something" he said I didn't understand, that is until I saw Jeff sit on his bed and start rubbing his member through his pants. I blushed. "Yeah that" I turned around to face the wall.

"Fine but don't look while I get changed" I say. I heard Helen go over to the bed but I didn't hear any noises. 'maybe they are controlling them self' I thought as I got changed trying my best not to show any skin.

After getting changed I turned around and saw both of them sitting on the edge if the bed looking at me. "W-were you watching me change?" I blushed. They didn't say anything, I picked up my towel and threw it at them. "You perverts!" I yell blushing. I covered my face with both hands until I felt hands on my waist. I quickly uncovered my face only to have Helen place his lips to mine. Jeff started kissing my neck from behind, I moaned but started to panic a little. 'Where is this going to go? Please let it stop at just kissing' I begged in my head as Helen pulled away.

"Sorry if we are scaring you but we won't go all the way" Jeff whispered in my ear as they both went to kiss and suck my neck.

To be continued

A/N ok who wants a lemon? I really want to write one.



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