Chapter 9: first kiss

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Rose's POV

"Warm" I muttered turning over and snuggling into a bare chest. Wait I slept in Toby's bed. My eyes shot open and I saw Toby's face very close to mine.

"Oh your up" he smirked.

"I'm sorry I slept so long I know you don't like me, I'll leave now!" I said rather quick as I got up from the bed. But he grabbed my arm and pulled me back to the bed. I landed in a position that made me blush. My knees were on either side of Toby in a straddle position. i went to get up again but he held me by my waist.

"Do you know why every boy even me are being nice to you?" He asked. I shook my head.

"N-no w-why?" I asked blushing.

"We are competing, for your heart" he said as he flipped us over so I was under him.

"Why? I'm j-just one p-person, and I'm not even the best p-person" I stuttered turning more red. "Unless you mean you are competing to kill me and literally take my heart" I mumbled.

Toby started laughing at this. "No we want your love we don't want to dissect you" I let out a sigh of relief. "As for why we all like you, well, we all have our reasons"

"What's yours?" I asked looking up into his eyes.

"I love your voice"

"You were the one that told the Freddy group to jump scare me!?" I yelled.

"Ha ha yeah, about that....i.....when I say I love your voice it also means your screams"

"So you asked them to? I'm going to have a heart attack if they don't stop!" I sighed "what will make you stop them jump scarring me?"

"Hearing your 'other' screams"

"Other?" I asked he just looked at me then it clicked. "Y-you want t-to do what now?!" I said trying to get away. "Let me up! Hah clockwork" I just remembered.

"What about her?" Toby asked.

"She said she won't let me have you, oh no that means your never going to stop the jump scares, I'm going to die of a heart attack but at least clockwork will be my friend"

"What are you talking about? Does clockwork like me?" Toby asked.

"I don't know, I could try and find out for you" I said. "But I can't be with you because I don't want to hurt her" he had hurt in his eyes. "I'm sorry Toby you will meet a nice girl someday" I said as we both sat up facing each other.

"Yeah can I just do one thing to you though?"

"What?" I questioned.

"Can I kiss you?" His eyes told me he was serious as he twitched a bit and that he hoped I would say yes.

"But it would be my first, I thought-" I realised the hurt return to his eyes. "Ok" his eyes lit up as i said that. "But I might be rubbish at it" I warned.

He smiled then brung his face closer. Connecting our lips. As he kissed me I tried to move my lips with his 'I hope he doesn't make fun of me for being sh!t at kissing' I thought as I felt his tongue lick my bottom lip. I gasped and he slid his tongue into my mouth. At first I tried to avoid his tongue but it always found mine so I gave up.

Finally we pulled apart.

"Thank you" he smiled then hugged me.

"So we just friends now?"

"Yeah" he smiled at me.

"I'll go see if clockwork likes you, do you like her?"

"Almost as much as you but I don't love her voice I love the fact her personality is beautiful if your on the right side of her."

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