Chapter 16

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A/N you can all thank my friend Danielle for this chapter because I probably wouldn't have updated today if she didn't almost hit me with a fxcking table today in school for not updating my book, so thanks Danielle here's another chapter so CALM THE FXCK DOWN! With that said enjoy.

Roses POV

'Why do I feel heavy?' I think to myself as I try to move whatever this thing on top of me if. 'I can't do it, it's too heavy.'

"Ummm stop moving" a voice mumbles sounding half asleep.

'Eh?' I think as I open my eyes only to see that Jeff lying on top of my but that's not the worst part oh no his head isn't what's In front of my face, nope it's his but. 'How the fxck did he get like that without me waking up?!' I think.

"Jeff what the hell? get off of me!" I yell trying to push him off.

Jeff sits up and turns his head around looking at my face for a few moments before he realises the situation. his eyes widen in shock but then relax. "Wow I like the view of u from above, I wonder if you could stop me if I-" he slowly put him face back between my legs "did something~" he laughed softly.

"What? No! I'll call Helen!" I warned.

"What's he gonna do? I'll let him join in~" Jeff smiles.

"Wait no!" I panick starting to struggle but I can't move my hips because his face is right next to them I don't want to help him in doing something so perverted. "Helen get Jeff off me!" I yell.

"What's the matter Rose-" he stops and stares at Jeff, his stare turns into a deadly glare as he asks "what do you think your doing to Rose, Jeff?" He said gritting his teeth.

"You can join if you like Helen?~" Jeff grinned.

"She's scared of that you idiot! Get off her!" Helen yells walking over to Jeff and pushing him so hard that Jeff fell on the floor.

"That's it!" Jeff yelled jumping up and pouncing at Helen.

"Stop fighting!" I yell.

"No I'm gonna teach him not to push me!" Jeff yelled.

"Huh I can beat you!" Helen yells back.

'Oh well guess they aren't going to listen to me' I think. As I look at the door that is wide open, I see slender walking past. 'Whats he doing I get the feeling he doesn't want to be followed?'

I tip toe out of the room and follow slender. He stops at a wall that he then moves his hands to draw a circle with an X through it, the same symbol he drew shows up in blood the next second and a door is created. I follow him through the door and down the stairs 'does he not know I'm here?' I think following him into a room at the bottom of the stairs. Once at the bottom I hide in the dark corner next to the door.

"Mrs P, we have a problem. Zalgo is after Rose." Slender says to a women with a really long neck.

"Is that so?" She says staring into the eyes of the skull in her hands. "Well he isn't going to get her, so I don't see the problem." She says still looking at the skull.

"But Mrs P, if he gets her our army won't be strong enuf to take out Zalgo"

"And?" Mrs P says in a board voice while turning to face him.

"And then I can't become the new king of the CreepyPastas!" Slender yells.

"Don't yell at me slender" Mrs P says in a demanding voice.

"I'm sorry Mrs P, but i want to be king, I want you to be queen.-" slender says advancing towards Mrs P. he grabs her shoulders from behind and starts massaging them. "I want us to rule the CreepyPastas, all of them, and to be all powerful."

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