Chapter 4: Fxck these guys!

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Rose's POV

I feel something on my side. "Rose" a voice ask's.

"No I'm sleeping" I mumble trying to go back to sleep.

"I didn't want to have to do this" the person sighed. They then jumped on top of me. I groaned as they sat on my stomach. "Wake up and I'll get off you." They laugh.

"Your heavy" I mumble louder while trying to wiggle my way out from under him. "Who are you?" I asked still too tired to open my eyes.

"Will you wake up already?" Another voice says.

"Here will you shut the hell up if I wake her?! (I assume they nodded) I'll get her up, get off her!" A third voice says angrily, well that's clearly Toby -_-

I try to ignore him but, It went deadly silent nobody made a sound. I heard a loud crack coming from my side, "oh fxck no!" I yell jumping out of bed and landing on the floor just in time to not get a hatchet stuck in my head. "You tried to fxcking kill me?!" I yelled.

"Wake the hell up next time then I won't have to be woken up and come deal with these two idiots this early in the dam morning!!!" Toby yelled back, he then walked out the room slamming the door behind him.

"Oh good your awake" laughed the first voice which I now know is laughing Jack.

"I. Will. Fxcking. Kill. You. Got. It. Clown boy?" I asked as if I were about to rip his head off. He backed up a little shocked that I said that when I'm just me and he's a killer.

"I'll kill you first and you know it" he laughed. I got angry and picked up the lamp that was on the bedside table and threw it full force at his head while he was distracted with his laughing. He fell to the floor knocked out. And I turned to the other voice in the room, the puppeteer.

"I'm so sorry, I can see your not a morning person" he said quickly with his hands out in front of him as if he meant no harm.

"I'm awake now so talk" I say. "And where is Scott?"

"Scott is at the bathroom and I came to tell you about some of the other CreepyPastas like I said I would" he pointed at laughing Jack who was now beginning to stand up again. "This guy just followed me."

"Ow my head" LJ groaned while standing fully, his hand holding where I hit him. "You hit hard, I like that" his creepy grin came back.

"We he's fine, now I can tell you the story's of everybody and let you play 5 nights at freddy's" puppeteer smiled while holding up his laptop. I nodded.

-time skip-

"Cool story's, and cool game except for-" I screamed and jumped behind LJ as one of the freddy bear things suddenly jumped at the screen scaring the sh!t out of me. I gave up a while ago of actually playing, so I was watching laughing Jack play, so was puppeteer.

"It's ok Rose" LJ and puppet laughed at the same time. Scott had came back from the bathroom a while ago, but went for a kill when his tummy rumbled, he's still cute and I think it bugs him that I call him cute to his face, so.....I'll do it all the more.

"It's not ok, it's not!! They shouldn't just jump out of fxcking nowhere!!" I yelled. Suddenly the real mechanical Bonnie jumped at me in real life. "Fxck!!!" I yell jumping backwards, onto puppeteers lap and burying my head into his chest. "Go away! Go away! Go away! Go away!" I yelled into puppeteers chest.

I looked up to see Bonnie and LJ high fiveing each other. "Ya killing me here!" LJ laughed finding it hard to breath.

"Your going to give the poor girl a heart attack" puppet chuckled softly stroking my hair to calm me down.

"Haha ok we'll stop, Bonnie this girl is cool" LJ says Bonnie just nods and holds her hand out to me.

"Hell no you might jump!" I say holding puppeteer tighter. Bonnie shook her head and put her hand where her heart should be. "Ok" I say after staring into her eyes, "I gave in" I shake her hand. "Does this mean you won't jump scare me?" I ask. Bonnie just nodded. "What about the others?" I asked.

"A friend of one is a friend of all to them, so since Bonnie is your friend the others shouldn't jump scare you either" LJ explained laughing. he started having a laughing fit again. "How can that haha scare you that much?! Haha"

"Jump scares is the only thing that scares me! I can come face to face with whatever or whoever the fxck this world has and the other worlds as long as they don't jump scare me!" I yell blushing.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about" puppeteer whispered in my ear. I completely forgot I'm sitting on his lap right now.

I looked at him then I tried to get up. "I'm sorry I must be heavy" I say.

"Your joking right? If anything your underweight, I can barely feel you there" he smiled.

Toby's POV.

"Hey, hey freddy!" I whisper yell across the sitting room to him, jest earring for him to come over. He walks over. "You know that new girl?" He nodded. "I need you to help me scare her" he shook his head. And pointed to Bonnie that was just coming down the stairs. "Bonnie is friends with her?" He nodded. "Fxck please mate, did you not hear her screams just now? They are a turn on for me, I need them more" I say. He looks down to my pants then crosses his arms. "What can't you just help me out without getting something in return?" He just stared at me. "fine I'll get Chica to go into your room" he smiled and nodded. Shaking my hand then walking away.

"Good bear, get those good screams. I wonder what her other screams sound like?" I start thinking about pushing her down on my bed with me on top. Her screams of both pain and pleasure as I-. I snap out of my day dream and look down at my pants. "This isn't good I have got to go deal with this." I say making my way to the bathroom.


Her screams turn him on do they? Hehehe clockwork isn't gonna like this. I laugh as I go to clockworks room.

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