Chapter 2: the deal

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Rose's POV.

I woke up before my alarm went off today. "Yay another day at school" I sighed. "Was last night a dream?" I asked myself but found the answer when I looked on my sideboard and the hatchet was still there. "Oh yeah it's 11:00 pm iv got to go, right?" I asked looking at the paper again. "Yep".


"Sh!t!!!" I yelled falling backwards onto the floor. "Ow" I say getting up. "That's it clock your not living to wake me tomorrow morning!" I yelled as I picked it up and walked to the window, opening it. "Have fun!" I said crazily as I threw the clock as hard as I could at the ground below.

As it was falling I saw mum come out the back door below, a smile appeared on my face as the clock smacked off her head. "Rose!" My mum furiously yelled as she looked up at me holding her head where the clock had hit. "Well aren't you gonna say sorry!?"

The smile on my face got bigger and a few small chuckles escaped my lips until I couldn't keep it in anymore. I started laughing my head off I laughed so much that I couldn't stand up anymore, I had to sit down. i looked up to see a tall figure in front of me, he was also chuckling, probably because laughing is contagious. "Rose!!" My mum yelled "get the hell to school now!"

I shakily stood up and stumbled into my room still laughing, and simply walking around the guy in front of me. I closed my bedroom door, got changed and walked downstairs grabbing my bag and walking straight out the door. "That was priceless" I smile at the memory.

"You know she's had to go to the hospital, right? Her head has a big gash in it now" said a clam voice from behind me. Still with a huge grin on my face I turned to face the person. It was the figure that appeared when I had my laughing fit.

"Haha she deserved it" I say not being able to stop grinning.

"Do you like hurting others?" He asked with a evil grin on his face.

I looked at him questionably "what's it to you?"

"Just answer me"

"Yes, I love it. Do you like it?" I asked grinning

"Love it. we will get along well Rose" I was shocked that he knew my name but I'm stubben and wouldn't let him see me shocked so I changed my eyes so I could see his name.

"Yes we will, laughing Jack" I smiled as his face showed his shock. "Later" I say turning around and continued walking to school, leaving him there shocked.

'You know come to think of it I didn't see his death, cool must mean he's immortal...........Wait what IMMORTAL?!!! That's a actual thing?! Can he really be immortal?! Dam I have got to ask him how he got immortal, I wonder if I see him again. Oh well.' I thought walking in the school gates and up to the wall I waited at yesterday.

"Hey rose!" I heard Scott shout from the wall as I approached. "Ready for another day of school?"

"Nope I'm never ready for school" I laughed. Taking a look at the clock on my phone I realise we have 10 minutes again before class starts, oh goodie.

"Ha look it's emo and freak, why did you come back nobody wants you two here" the blond b!tch said to us while her friends all back her up.

"Hahaha Well your smart aren't you?" I laugh, they look at me like I'm crazy. "We come here because it fxcking compulsory haha and your last day on earth is coming soon haha, very, soon." I grin.

"Are you threatening me freak?!" She yelled.

"Yep, what you gonna do about it?" I laugh.

"Rose let's just leave" Scott said pulling me away from the blond b!tch.

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